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Liu, Funan:We must fight for religious freedom
Date: 3/3/2024 3:41:13 PM Sender: Liu, Funan
Liu, Funan:We must fight for religious freedom
刘福男(Liu, Funan)
The lack of religious freedom in China has led to the decline of social morality. Freedom of religious belief is a basic human right and can play a positive and progressive role in promoting healthy and harmonious development of society.
However, although China currently implements religious freedom in name, it is actually ruthlessly suppressing, trampling on religious beliefs, and discriminating and persecuting Chinese free believers.
In China, all religious activities are under the official surveillance and control of the CCP. The authorities force civilian believers to join the official Catholic church and undergo ideological reform. They strictly control Catholic churches and religious institutions, and install political cronies and even CCP members to control churches.
The CCP also forces private house churches with tens of millions of believers to collectively participate in so-called political and ideological studies.
At the same time, they manipulate public opinion tools to promote atheism and materialism, impose evil communist ideas on the Chinese people, and destroy the nation's inherent traditional culture and good customs.
If China can implement true religious freedom, and various churches can spread freely and educate all sentient beings to encourage people to do good, it will be very important for the spiritual life of the mainland people to be enriched, moral reorganization and social trends to be reshaped, and the healthy and diversified development of society. In this regard, the role of religious freedom Importance, very important to China's modernization, we must fight for religious freedom.
Liu, Funan
March 3, 2024

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