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Duan,Wenzhe: Everyone can change history
Date: 6/4/2024 1:39:24 PM Sender: Duan,Wenzhe
Duan,Wenzhe: Everyone can change history
Generally speaking, history is always driven by political strongmen, but sometimes small people can also change history.
In the 1950s, an ordinary black woman in the southern United States refused to follow the driver's instructions and did not stand up to give up her seat to white passengers when riding a bus because she was dissatisfied with the racial discrimination system at the time. As a result, she was arrested on the spot.
After the incident was reported, it caused an uproar. Black protests occurred across the country, one after another, and intensified, eventually forcing the Supreme Court to announce the abolition of the segregation system. This black woman was not a professional revolutionary, and she did not have profound social and political theories. She was just a female worker who lived at the bottom of society and never thought of changing society and promoting history.
Just for the sake of minimum dignity and basic human rights, she was forced to fight helplessly, hitting the stone with an egg, and fighting the big with a small one, but due to fate, it affected the development of history.
At present, protests by small merchants, hawkers, and migrant workers are also common in mainland China. A spark can start a prairie fire. One day, it may also trigger a huge social reaction and promote the democratic political process in mainland China.
June 4, 2024

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