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Duan,Wenzhe: Constitutionalism and the Constitution cannot be discussed in China
Date: 3/13/2023 2:30:36 PM Sender: Duan,Wenzhe
Duan,Wenzhe: Constitutionalism and the Constitution cannot be discussed in China
In today's world, as long as a country formulates and implements a constitution, restricts and limits state power, and respects and protects citizens' rights, this country has implemented constitutional politics and is a constitutional country.
In today's world, most countries are constitutional countries.
The role of the constitution is already very obvious.
China also has a constitution, which also has clauses to restrict state power and protect citizens' rights. Therefore, in theory, China is also a constitutional country. However, strangely, the Chinese Communist Party authorities do not regard constitutionalism as the country's future development goal, and even publicly prohibit people from talking about constitutionalism.
In China, whoever publicly talks about constitutionalism will be arrested by the Chinese Communist Party authorities! Those who talk about constitutionalism will be convicted! People who openly talk about constitutionalism and are arrested and imprisoned by the CCP authorities, such as Chinese democrats Wang Bingzhang, Qin Yongmin, etc., are all persecuted by the CCP because they advocate the use of constitutionalism to protect people's freedom and human rights! Wang Bingzhang was sentenced to life imprisonment by the CCP! Qin Yongmin was arrested and imprisoned by the CCP many times! There are also many Chinese democrats who demand that China implement the rule of law and protect human rights, and they are arrested and imprisoned by the CCP! This is a cruel fact.
This exposes that the constitution of mainland China is just talk, and those high-sounding civil rights clauses are also empty words used to perfunctorily deal with the domestic people and deceive world public opinion.
The CCP itself understands that only by engaging in autocracy in China can it effectively rule the Chinese people dictatorially. If the people truly understand the principles of the constitution and the rights granted by the constitution, the CCP's autocracy will not be able to continue and will fall apart.
Therefore, the CCP suppresses all those who advocate and talk about constitutionalism. The purpose is to consolidate the dictatorship!
March 13, 2023

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