Wang, Xiuping: ordinary Chinese people hated corruption
Date: 2/21/2011 1:30:16 PM
Sender: Wang, Xiuping
Wang, Xiuping: ordinary Chinese people hated corruption

王秀萍(Wang, Xiuping)
Chinese ordinary people hated corruption, on the one hand, corruption undermines the principles of fairness and justice, corruption to the ordinary Chinese people increased cost of living, adding to the financial burden. On the other hand, breaking the normal bureaucratic corruption rules, official corruption unspoken rules vary; therefore, some are corrupt officials, have begun to hate corruption. Because the size of power and corruption have a close relationship, authority officials is too small to enable them to have greater corruption, unable to gain more money, so they hate the corrupt officialdom.
Chinese government to punish people for corruption in 1989, student-oriented Chinese people demanded strict rule of corruption, democratic reform, this massive pro-democracy movement, and ultimately to force the government crackdown ended. June 4, 1989 on behalf of the awakening of the Chinese nation, on behalf of the Chinese nation to fight against corruption, calling for democracy and freedom.
Twenty years later, Chinese officials have tried to maintain authoritarian, strongly defend the interests of the Chinese Communist regime, whose sole purpose is to careerism that corruption continues to run rampant Chinese society. Today, all over the place in China "Jasmine Revolution" action "Jasmine Revolution" has proved that democracy and freedom is not far from the Chinese people.
Wang, Xiuping
February 21, 2011
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