Zhao, Guilin: Chinese government officials must tackle corruption
Date: 1/25/2011 1:17:10 PM
Sender: Zhao, Guilin
Zhao, Guilin: Chinese government officials must tackle corruption
赵桂林(Zhao, Guilin)
The current Chinese society exists serious disparity of wealth, uneven economic development, social injustice, injustice, these issues have a direct relationship with the government is not as corrupt and officials. Can not say that the government's anti-corruption efforts is not, can not say that the Government's determination to fight corruption is not enough, why not have the years of anti-corruption and achieved good results? On the contrary, there was even more serious anti-corruption anti-Vietnam momentum it?
China's one-party dictatorship is the root cause of corruption, lack of fairness and justice under the autocratic powers of officials of the lack of legal constraints, lack of supervision and public opinion, this power will inevitably lead to corruption. Official corruption and solve the problem of corruption, must rely on a clean, progressive and efficient political system.
If a State has two or more of the ruling party, will be able to monitor each other, who can not corrupt. Therefore, the reform of China's political system, the establishment of a multi-party democratic political system turns in power, is the key to solve the serious problem of corruption.
Zhao, Guilin
January 25, 2011
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