Wang, Zhien: Chinese society must walk towards justice and reasonability
Date: 9/12/2011 10:53:56 AM
Sender: Wang, Zhien
Wang, Zhien: Chinese society must walk towards justice and reasonability
王志恩(Wang, Zhien)
There is injustice and unfairness in Chinese social system, which causes unreasonable points of wealth distribution in Chinese society, and officials hold the power without limitation of laws, so when they exercise power, they can’t be supervised by people. Officials can occupy much and make trade between power and money; part of officials enjoy beer and skittles and suppress people in public, and it causes people’s lives become more and more difficult and poorer, and even children in poor areas can’t afford to go to school and elders can’t be treated when suffering illness.
CCP government carries out the so-called “socialist public ownership” for a long time and endeavors to establish reasonable market system with the subject of public ownership, and officials strive for power, intrigue against each other and just go after money with various means, which causes gap of wealth becomes more and more distant.
In order to solve the matter of unreasonable distribution of wealth in Chinese society, it needs the support of spandex force form international society; on the other hand China needs to realize democratic political reform, because only democratic, free and lawful society can lead Chinese society to walk towards justice and reasonability.
Wang, Zhien
Sept 12, 2011
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