Jiang,Pu: The CCP has been driven into an impasse
Date: 12/30/2010 3:10:23 PM
Sender: Jiang,Pu
Jiang,Pu: The CCP has been driven into an impasse

The Chinese nation in 2010 went through another miserable year under CCP tyranny, natural disasters and men-made disasters all occurred this year.
Drought: 25 provinces suffered heavy drought, rivers and lakes are dried up, the soil is cracking up.
Flooding: Seven watersheds nationwide suffered dangerous situations like stroms and flooding of varing degrees, created the most disastrous loss in the 21st century, frequent occurring of geologic calamities are ten times as last year.
Earthquakes: 11 provinces like Yunan, Hebei, Sichuan, and Qinghai experienced earthquakes, damages in Qing,Hai is the most serious one on record.
It’s true that China is a country with frequent natural disasters. But such frequency and damage are consequences of CCP’s value of economic development and neglect of environmental proteciton. People don’t enjoy fruits of economic development, but have to burden ravages of unlimited development of the nature.
The inevitable outcome of evil system is men-made disasters. Zhou,Daming, bare-handed Shanghai citizen who only demanded people who came to his house to show their ID for forced demolition, but ended up in dead. Zhou’s sister called police right away but police arrived at the scene 15 minutes later, but Zhou had already been beaten to death. Chinese government talks all the time to build a harmonious society, and serve the public, police are people's policeman who get rid of bullies and bring peace to good people, all of which are lies. The truth is the CCP is protective umbrella of corrupt officials, and police and bandits are one family. Zhao,Lianhai incident is a typical case- corrupt judicial system, corrupt officials, businessmen with loss of brutality collide with one another. Just finished buildings totally collapsed, high cost because of bribes, no respect for safety rules ultimately result in big fire in a teaching building in Shanghai, frequent mine disasters, unbearable medial bills, unimaginable housing prices, unequal education opportunities, unequal employment competiiton, are all social problems under the evil system.
The Nobel Peace Prize was granted to Chinese citizen 21 years later. No matter Dalai Lama or Liu,Xiaobo, they all proves that CCP is a criminal government which fail to keep faith and hasno conscience. The CCP fail to keep faith because promises in written or oral forms have no force of constraints for CCP. The CCP has no conscience because it says it’s a government who pursue democracy and freedom to the internatioanl society, but persecute Liu,Xiaobo who love democracy, democracy, and freedom. Such impudent behavior totally disappointed HK people, and let Taiwanese see clearly the CCP.
A t all times and in all countries, occurrence of big social incidents require lots of factors, the dishonest CCP has internal and external factors to collapse. China is like dry woods all over the ground with barrels of gun-powder everywhere, any causal social incidents may light the gun-power and expose the Chinese land. But we also see clearly that Chinese government know its situation as well, and it now uses every means to linger out a feeble existence. China is now in the darkest moment before dawn, but the footsteps of dawn is heard, the lightning before death will end soon, and the trimph will belong to Chinese people who love democracy, freedom, equality, and prosperity.
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