Huang,Jianbing: Abandon the dictatorship and head for democracy and freedom
Date: 12/15/2010 5:20:29 PM
Sender: Huang,Jianbing
Huang,Jianbing: Abandon the dictatorship and head for democracy and freedom

With social development, comes political, economic, social and cultural integration and head for citizen society. Democratic politics which has universal value assures the system of citizen society, and has become the trend and benchmark for political civilization. This trend is getting more obvious and more important with globalization. Dictatorship yields to citizen society have become the main theme of modern political life. Under such trend China will ultimately head for citizen society regardless of how to achieve it.
There is no doubt that 30 years of reform and opening up made China achieved major success in politics, economy, society and culture, lessons and messages not only matters to China but also worldwide. Fast GDP growth rate and subsistence of 1.3 billion people brought halo to the reform. However, China’s development is not democratic, not scientific, not sustainable, not balanced, whether the goal of a harmonious society can be achieved can be analyzed from social development and world trend, and one can see clearly that modern Chinese regime has gone to a autocratic, corrupt, and imbalanced violent regime, a totalitarian China deviates from world trend is far away from citizen society and the imagined communism. What’s the problem?
A main phenomenon of the reform is serious social polarization caused by economic boom; the formation of bureaucratic group centered on CCP disappointed more people, and created grassroots class with vested interests. Maximum of interests of bureaucratic group is a main force for reform in China. The reform has no meaning of the modern civilization, and completely blocks the common people out of the decision-making and execution of reform policies, block interests of the common people out of the reform in the end. This is the cause and consequence of reforms under the one party dictatorship. No matter how good the original intention is, and how loud the slogan is, reform created by the one party dictatorship is packaged with government image, and realize maximum of interests of bureaucratic group. The big gap between rich and poor, unequal social distribution has accelerated all kinds of social contradictions, and can’t be resolved overnight.
From chairman Mao to Deng, the one party regime used to distribute political power of social class, has turned to distribution of social wealth, actually reform is turning to occupancy and drake-off of bureaucratic group for social wealth. The majority people outside of power core thought the well-off society was about to come, but found out later they are still fighting for subsistence. University students can’t find job, unemployed workers receive basic living allowance, relocated households find places to stay, farmers bear deprivation of their property by urbanization of “trade contract lands for social insurance”, and “homestead for housing”……Thus, spokesmen of the authority said survival rights, human rights can only be realized after starving, subsistence is enough. According to this logic, Chinese people will struggle for subsistence for ever, and never have real human rights and citizen rights.
So, what’s the current situation of human rights and citizen rights? As the formation of bureaucratic group politically, economically, and culturally, it also formed in respects of human rights and citizen rights. These bureaucratic groups oppress grassroots, monopoly basic rights and citizen rights granted by constitution.
Firstly, property right is the basic right of citizen rights, all Chinese people should have rights to protect their personal property from violation, a serious consequence of the reform is wealth accumulates in the hands of bureaucratic groups, the majority doesn’t have enough wealth, and the main wealth is their houses, but they don’t even own the land beneath the house. Wealth of the majority can be deprived by bureaucratic group any time, and such danger happens to different people everyday. Illegal takeover of land, forced demolition, violent demolition, and so called legitimate requisition of land and legitimate demolition, and so on, such things create blood and tears every day, because Chinese citizens don’t have enough rights to protect their rights and lack basic citizen rights.
Secondly, religious right and expression right are important parts of citizen rights, all Chinese people should have right to think and express different religions. Speech, publication, rally, strike, protest, and demonstration are all rights of expression. Truth is empty without rights of expression, but most Chinese people live in lies and their expression right is empty. People have no right to watch CNN, the government clamor people to reject CNN, this is obscurantist policy beyond reason; media is monopolized by core power, thoughts and opinions against core interests are not allowed, even Premier Wen’s speech to have political reform is harmonized; workers are harmonized when factories are harmonized by power, farmers are harmonized when lands are striped by bigwigs, dwellers are harmonized when houses are demolished, parents are harmonized when children are dead in earthquake because of jelly-built projects, such and such, which country should these people belong to? For the 2008 Beijing Olympic, Beijing opened up several parks for demonstration and protests, the result is very harmonious, and pathetic, China of such a size has scene of prosperity and no demonstration at all. Is China is so harmonious that no different expression exist? Obviously not, those who want to protest are all in control. And those who dare to express their opinions openly and fight for basic rights end up in loss of personal liberty. Zhao,Lianhai who maintain legal rights for babies poisoned by milkpowder, was charged 30 months imprisonment for causing disturbances, Liu,Xiaobo, who advocates democratic notions was charged with inciting subversion of state power for 11 years, so judicial justice and equity in China is just a joke.
Then, election rights, including referendum are core part of citizen rights, all Chinese citizens should have election rights, every citizen can cast ballots, and attend election as candidates, which is the basic form of democratic politics. However, the majority Chinese people never attend free election, never elect their county magistrate, mayor, and governor, and never elect head of the state and head of government; the few who attended election are close to core power, but they don’t have free election, the ballot content and method have already decided by leaders; almost all candidates in mainland China are pre-determined, chief executives are determined by party committee, deputy to the people’s congress are determined by ministry of organization, members of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference are determined by united front work department. Main leaders of the country are selected by “Gerontocracy” spoil system and power arrangements, common people only have rights to accept, but no rights to elect. The recent succession of Xi,Jinping is very assertive and he shamelessly said “Power is granted by people” which is a profanity of democratic politics.
Then, rights of association, rights of organizing parties, rights of social regulation, are all rights of citizens, and all Chinese citizens should have rights to contact each other, rights to organize autonomously, and rights to take part in social regulation. However, Chinese people should not have rights to organize societies and parties, because CCP constitution regulates all has to be led by CCP. Everyone knows that when President Clinton visited China in 1998, some democratic movement personnel started to establish China Democracy Party. The first one was in Zhejiang province, which registered in Zhejiang government hall on June 25, 1998, and applied for registration. Branches were also set up in Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong, Hubei, Liaoning, Sichuan provinces. However, CDP members were arrested and sentenced afterwards. Among them, CDP main leader Wang,Bingzhang was sentenced lifetime and is still in prison; Qin,Yongmin, leader of Hubei branch was sentenced 12 years in prison. On Nov29, 2010, Qin,Yongmin was forced to release from prison and he has been tortured for 22 years in prison for democracy cause in China.
We hereby can see that it’s ridiculous when citizens have no citizen rights, when citizen society has no citizens, and when citizen society has no citizen organizations. In China, as long as CCP still exists, basic human rights and freedom are out of the question. To assure realization of basic human rights and freedom of people, CCP one party dictatorship has to be abandoned and head for democracy, freedom, equality, legal system, human rights and prosperity.
Realizing the citizen society in China can’t count on the conscience of rulers, and can’t count on stable advancement, but on the enlightenment of citizens and gradual accumulation of forces of citizens, of which the key is development and expansion of the opposing faction. Decades of reform in China are a history of opposition, with the initial display of revolutionist vs. conservatives inside the CCP, there is no reform without these oppositions. After the dignitary process of the reform, ideology schools inside the CCP has weakened, any school becomes a big dignitary group for maintaining mutual interests. If future reform in China has to start from opposition, opposition should start from those who want to be citizens, and start from dissidents and those who maintain legal rights.
We have to remember that modern Chinese society is not a citizen society, and if counting on dignitaries to abandon vested interests voluntarily and carry out democratic system, it’s nothing short of asking a tiger for its skin, if we want to be a true citizen, every one of us has to start from opposition. When someone stands up rationally, we should follow up. If you stand up today, more people will stand up tomorrow and more in the future, when we all stand out and discuss democracy with the authority, will democracy far away?
Now, history has given opportunity to the opposing party-China Democracy Party. The notion of China Democracy Party is to carry out democracy, freedom, equality, legal system, human rights, and prosperity in Chinese society, which reflect the common aspiration of every Chinese, we believe CDP will grow and contribute to democratic cause in China under the leadership of chairman Wang,Jun.
12/15/2010 |
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