Wang,Yana: Paying tribute to outstanding CDP membe
Date: 12/9/2010 10:37:09 AM
Sender: Wang,Yana
Wang,Yana: Paying tribute to outstanding CDP member Qin,Yongmin

On Nov 29, 2010, CDP founder Qin,Yongmin finished 12 years in prison and was released. This is the third imprisonment for Qin,Yongmin due to organizing democratic activities. The sentence this time is “inciting subversion of state power”. His suffering again reflects autocracy and monopoly by CCP. CCP not only refuses to listen to voices from the public, but also “spare none” for those who fight for democracy and end one-party autocracy. Before Qin,Yongmin was released from prison, he was warned not to accept media interviews, not to socialize with other dissidents, even his manuscripts in prison were all confiscated by police. Qin,Yongmin also said he was often beaten by police and harmed his . All expose the cruel and ruthless ways CCP conduct to oppress democratic movements.
In fact, I learned about Mr. Qin,Yongmin after I joined CDP when I listened to other CDP members and heard about his story. I then started to search his information on the internet and I was greatly touched.
Qin,Yongmin devoted his whole life to realize democracy in China. He is persecuted and imprisoned by CCP but still determined in his cause. Such spirit and belief deserve us CDP members to learn and deliberate. Organizing democratic movements and realizing democratic system can’t be accomplished one day. Numerous heroes like Qin,Yongmin are needed, numerous youth who support and believe democracy are needed to strive for democracy at the cost of bloodshed or even lives.
Heroes like Qin,Yongmin are very few, and our forces are limited, what we can do is to devote our enthusiasm and ourselves to democratic movements, to spread democratic notions to those who want to end the one-party dictatorship, to make more people realize that superiority of democracy not only advance the whole nation, but also let people in democratic countries have more rights, and have rights to obtain happiness and dignity. From his stories I believe the determination of democratic persons and see hope of democracy. Many outstanding CDP members are moved by his Qin,Yongmin, and are more actively engaged in our democratic movements. Qin,Yongmin’s sacrifice will be returned. Though Chinese government tries every means to block truth of persecution for CDP members, public eyes are sharp. Though we can’t take pains for Qin,Yongmin, our democratic dream will with Qin,Yongmin. When we heard news of Qin,Yongmin released from prison, CDP spontaneously organized denotation activity for Qin,Yongmin. Though our donation are limited, we are determined to learn from Qin,Yongmin. I believe that through our efforts, we will see the day when China will realize democracy!
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