Zhou,Wangbao: Who should take charge of city inspe
Date: 12/3/2010 1:48:07 PM
Sender: Zhou,Wangbao
Zhou,Wangbao: Who should take charge of city inspectors?
In 2009, fruit booth owner Peng,Lin was beaten heavily by local city inspectors in Minxing district, Shanghai.
In 2010, city management chief took ten city inspectors and beat a fruit booth owner in public and demanded the wounded to kneel down and beg for mercy.
In Oct.2010, ten city inspectors beat two venders to death in Zhengzhou.
On Nov. 4, 2010, the same thing happened in Zhengzhou again, that’s the fourth incident in a month.
Brave city inspectors bully vulnerable venders and make them alarm at mere rumours. City inspectors beat people, mine disasters, back pay, these have become the highlight of Chinese news. Since when law enforcement officials are pronouns of beating, smashing, looting and violence.
Chinese government has streamlined government organs all the times, but city management is expanding. Those streamlined dept. are inefficient, economic benefits of city management can be obtained from venders. Penalty, confiscation, audition and even make profits, those can’t sold can be donated to charity. That’s not enforcing law but seeking personal gains. If there are dissatisfactions, public security officer will show up to enforce laws. One side is law enforcement bodies, the other side is the agency with partial enforcement power, the two combined and no one dares to say they are illegal. If appealed to the court, the court is governed by local government, city management is also governed by local government, a small vender has no chance to win.
Let’s see the sources of city management, the work of city management is not for everyone, firstly you have to be tough; secondly you have to beat fast; thirdly you are required to have no personality. For these three points very few can do the job, but in China, such persons are plenty. Firstly, since the culture revolution,and vanish of personality, many people have no sympathy except their personal interests. Now by CCP instigation, people lack trust and no sympathy exists without trust. Those city inspectors have tough characters. Secondly, many city inspectors are undesirable elements in society, they have martial techniques so they beat faster than others. Thirdly anyone who has a little sympathy won’t lay murderous hands on elders, do they have humanity if they can do that?
So what does city management do? City management belongs to city comprehensive management office. At the beginning they just manage venders and persuade them not to open booths randomly, later they expanded their power and manage nearly 300 programs in 13 aspects. It can be said that cities in China are governed by city inspectors, and they can do anything. City inspectors have low quality. Someone even said enforcement of law doesn’t need civilization, and civilization can’t have laws. The target of service turns to enemy, and such government is not responsible for people.
That’s the enforcement body in autocratic system, they don’t serve for public but work for political interests and their lust. Are there anyone supervise city management? Does anyone dare to supervise city management? Under such environment people don’t have a happy life. Luckily such things happen in China not in America.
God bless America!
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