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Liu,Chuanxia: The Source for Education Corruption
Date: 3/10/2010 11:21:30 AM Sender: Liu,Chuanxia
Liu,Chuanxia: The Source for Education Corruption in China is the System


After the “Reform and Open Up” in China, the education corruption becomes more and more serious. Nowadays, education department is one of the important aspects in China’s anti-corruption activity. The corruption in education makes all Chinese feeling pains in heart and also strikes the international community. The education corruption has constituted a significant contradiction to the target of “Prosper the Nation by Education” made by the Chinese government. The education corruption damages the stability of Chinese society and influences the future destiny and long-term development of China.

The government of China has paid a lot of energy into anti-corruption. Why there is little effect? The fake behaviors of all level government lead to anti-corruption an opposite result. Only by revealing the source of education corruption in China, can the trend of education corruption be terminated.

The education system under a corruptive social system is the source of education corruption. The one-party dictatorship of CCP has an education system lacking equity and justice, nor do there any supervision system. As a result, education becomes commercial, education department of the government become a company, school’s diploma becomes a piece of product and obligated education becomes market-oriented. Many education institutes and education administration take advantages of all means to expand its finance source that the president of a school becomes a CEO or chief manager and teachers become a salesman without any morality. Uncontrolled fees and tuitions place economic pressures on the students.

The social system in China can decide the direction of education system. Therefore, a reform in the social system is urgent. Under a healthy and proper social system, an equal and justice education system can be possible. When there is a fair stage for teachers to compete, the obligated education will be truly administrated. The whole competing power of China’s education system will be improved as a result. Only then, the target of “Prosper the Nation by Education” won’t be in vain.


中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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