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Chuanbin Zhang: Appeal for CCP to Free Drafter of
Date: 1/18/2010 1:26:50 PM Sender: Chuanbin Zhang
Chuanbin Zhang: Appeal for CCP to Free Drafter of “Chater 08”, Mr. Xiaobo Liu Incidentally

张传斌(Chuanbin Zhang)

It has been one year after Mr. Xiaobo Liu and more than a hundred representatives from all fields of China signed the declaration named “Charter 08”. The charter asked for a democratic political structure in China, which must include democracy, republic and constitutionality. Therefore, the democratic process in China can get enhanced. We can find a desire for democracy, freedom and justice in “Charter 08”, and an eager for truth as well. However, one drafter of “Charter 08”, Mr. Xiaobo Liu was illegally sentenced by CCP government to 11 years in prison and CCP even escape facing the international media directly. As a national government, their behaviors are trampling and infringing human rights relentlessly.

The deeds of Mr. Xiaobo Liu are completely appropriate for Chinese citizen who deserves proper rights. I, as a member of China Democracy Party, condemn CCP’s illegal trial on drafter of “Charter 08”, Mr. Xiaobo Liu, appeal for immediate release of Xiaobo Liu and look forward to the end of one-party dictatorship in China and the implement of a multi-party ruling democratic political system.

Chuanbin Zhang
January 18, 2010

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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