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The Seminar of cultural and religious persecution in Asia and its impact on indigenous communities
Date: 6/29/2013 5:58:02 PM Sender: CDP
Picture 1: From 9:30am to 1:30pm (EDT) on June 28 (Friday), 2013, in AIC DC Center (1140 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20036) held the seminar of cultural and religious persecution in Asia and its impact on indigenous communities. The Chairman of China Democracy Party Mr. Wang, Jun lead part of the members attend this seminar, and delivered a speech as a guest.

The Seminar of cultural and religious persecution in Asia and its impact on indigenous communities

From 9:30am to 1:30pm (EDT) on June 28 (Friday), 2013, in AIC DC Center (1140 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20036) held the seminar of cultural and religious persecution in Asia and its impact on indigenous communities. The Chairman of China Democracy Party Mr. Wang, Jun lead part of the members attend this seminar, and delivered a speech as a guest. The chairman of China Victims League Ms. Ge, Lifang also attended this seminar and made a speech.

The United Nations will celebrate the indigenous people walk into the modern civilized life in the year of 2014. Though every government pay great attention to indigenous people’s economy, education, culture and religion problem; however, the indigenous people are still facing the challenge of economy and environment. The government overly invades and occupies their land and resources, which made indigenous people’s community and living area becomes smaller and smaller. This phenomenon is also a major issue impacting the indigenous people in Asia today. At present, indigenous people’ culture and religion in Asia continue to be attacked.

In the most recent annual report of Pew Research Center and the U.S. State Department, it mentions that the number of religious persecution incidents is rising in Asia, which directly impact indigenous people’ s culture and religious life. Report shows that all these following actions are threatening indigenous people’s freedom of religion, like violent suppression, attacking religious center, suppressing rallies against persecution, threatening indigenous people not to spread national culture and education, discrimination on indigenous people who is involved in social, economic and political institutions. China, Pakistan, Myanmar and Viet Nam are the obvious countries. The international society needs to pay attention to these issues and make some adjustment.

We need to discuss and study these issues; American Islamic Congress’ Project Nur and Institute for Gilgit Baltistan Studies held the seminar titled “Cultural and Religious Persecution in Asia and the Impact on Indigenous Communities” together. Panelists included Tenzin N. Tethong, Executive Director of Radio Free Asia (Tibetan Service); Knox Thames, Director of Policy and Research at United States Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF); Mr. Jun Wang, Chairman of China Democratic Party and proprietor of China Democracy Journal; Dr. Thomas Lynch, Distinguished Research Fellow at the National Defense University; Neva Morrison, Executive Director and Co-Founder of the First Peoples Worldwide; Scott Flipse, Deputy Director of Policy and Research at USCIRF; and Senge Sering, President of Institute for Gilgit Baltistan Studies. They discussed a lot of human rights situation in South and Southeast Asia, which lead people into a deep thinking and started questioning what they can do to help improving the situation.

Picture 2: From 9:30am to 1:30pm (EDT) on June 28 (Friday), 2013, in AIC DC Center (1140 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20036) held the seminar of cultural and religious persecution in Asia and its impact on indigenous communities.

Picture 3: The United Nations will celebrate the indigenous people walk into the modern civilized life in the year of 2014. Though every government pay great attention to indigenous people’s economy, education, culture and religion problem; however, the indigenous people are still facing the challenge of economy and environment.

Picture 4: The Chairman of China Democracy Party Mr. Wang, Jun lead part of the members attend this seminar, and delivered a speech as a guest.

Picture 5: The government overly invades and occupies their land and resources, which made indigenous people’s community and living area becomes smaller and smaller.

Picture 6: This phenomenon is also a major issue impacting the indigenous people in Asia today. At present, indigenous people’ culture and religion in Asia continue to be attacked.

Picture 7: In the most recent annual report of Pew Research Center and the U.S. State Department, it mentions that the number of religious persecution incidents is rising in Asia, which directly impact indigenous people’ s culture and religious life.

Picture 8: Senge Sering, President of Institute for Gilgit Baltistan Studies is making his speech

Picture 9: Senge Sering, President of Institute for Gilgit Baltistan Studies is making his speech

Picture 10: We need to discuss and study these issues; American Islamic Congress’ Project Nur and Institute for Gilgit Baltistan Studies held the seminar titled “Cultural and Religious Persecution in Asia and the Impact on Indigenous Communities” together.

Picture 11: China, Pakistan, Myanmar and Viet Nam are the obvious countries. The international society needs to pay attention to these issues and make some adjustment.

Picture 12: The Chairman of China Democracy Party Mr. Wang, Jun lead part of the members attend this seminar, and delivered a speech as a guest.

Mr. Wang, Jun’s Whole Speech in the Seminar

Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen,

I am extremely happy to attend today’s meeting from New York. On behalf of China Democracy Party, first, I warmly congratulate the opening of the seminar- Cultural and religious persecution in Asia and the Impact on Indigenous communities.

I am from China, and I can feel China. Then what is a real China?
China is a country with cultural and religious persecution. People would get persecuted if they try to promote religious culture. Today, the situation is worse than ever!

As we all know, Chinese Communist party is a violent organization which advocates atheistic. Cultural and religious persecution is an inevitable result. Chinese Communist Party rejects Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism and other religions. In this country, every year, every month, even every day, there are religious people get arrested, imprisoned, or even secretly killed. Any kind of religious gathering would be banned; any kind of religious books are not allowed to publish.

2013 "International Religious Freedom Report" pointed out that China’s religious freedom continues deteriorating. Unregistered or unofficial Christians, Catholics and Weiquan lawyers are persecuted by the government in all forms. Meanwhile, Falun Gong, Tibetan Buddhists and Uighur Muslims’ situations are particularly serious. Two days ago, in a small town in Xingjiang, China, Uighur Muslim communities fight against persecution. However, it was violently repressed by the government, resulting in 27 deaths.

In recent years, nearly hundred self-immolation events happened in China, which shows Tibetan Buddhists’ desperation and protest towards Chinese Communist government. All these are facts. We feel heartbroken while hearing these Tibetan Buddhists end their precious lives in this way.

Chinese Communist Party's brutal persecution of religion and culture tells us that Human rights do not exist in China. It is so easy to see people’s miserable lives. Among the persecuted groups, discrimination, divorce, unemployment are very common. Though there are many protest movements, the situation does not become better. Persecution is still spreading in China.

China Democracy Party was founded in June 25, 1998, it is the first democratic political organization in China, whose mission is “end one-party dictatorship and establish a democratic system”. It advocates democracy, peace, autonomous nation, and respects religious freedom. This is one of the reasons that China Democracy party and other religious organization are persecuted by Chinese Communist government.

China Democracy Party member Wang, Bingzhang was sentenced to life imprisonment; Xie, Changfa was sentenced to 13 years in prison; Xu, Wanping was sentenced to 12 years in prison; Liu Xianbin was sentenced to 10 years in prison, Zhu Yufu was sentenced to seven years in prison, and Xue, Mingkai who was only 23 that time, was sentenced to 4 years in prison. There are more China Democracy Party member are imprisoned.

China Democracy Party member Li, Hong and Li, Wangyang were persecuted to death!

Those released after imprisonment and their families continue to suffer harassment and persecution from Chinese Communist Party, such as: Chen Shuqing, Lv Gengsong, Chi Jianwei, Zhang Lin, Qin Yongmin, Wang Sen, Li Dawei and so on.

As China Democracy Party members, we ask to end one party dictatorship in China. We need to establish a political system which can let people have religious freedom.

Friends, Let us work together to eliminate cultural and religious persecution, and fight together to build a new world with freedom of culture and religion.

Best regards to all the people in the same line as we all are, and once again to congratulate the successes of this seminar.

Thank you!
Wang Jun Phone: 917-348-5230
Chairman of China Democracy Party
Proprietor of China Democracy Journal
June 28, 2013

Picture 13: Mr. Wang, Jun pointed out that China is a country with cultural and religious persecution. People would get persecuted if they try to promote religious culture.

Picture 14: Mr. Wang, Jun says Chinese Communist Party rejects Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism and other religions. In this country, every year, every month, even every day, there are religious people get arrested, imprisoned, or even secretly killed. Any kind of religious gathering would be banned; any kind of religious books are not allowed to publish.

Picture 15: Mr. Wang, Jun Says In recent years, nearly hundred self-immolation events happened in China, which shows Tibetan Buddhists’ desperation and protest towards Chinese Communist government. All these are facts.

Picture 16: Mr. Wang, Jun expresses that China Democracy Party advocates democracy, peace, autonomous nation, and respects religious freedom. This is one of the reasons that China Democracy party and other religious organization are persecuted by Chinese Communist government.

Picture 17: The government overly invades and occupies their land and resources, which made indigenous people’s community and living area becomes smaller and smaller.

Picture 18: Report shows that all these following actions are threatening indigenous people’s freedom of religion, like violent suppression, attacking religious center, suppressing rallies against persecution, threatening indigenous people not to spread national culture and education, discrimination on indigenous people who is involved in social, economic and political institutions.

Picture 19: In the most recent annual report of Pew Research Center and the U.S. State Department, it mentions that the number of religious persecution incidents is rising in Asia, which directly impact indigenous people’ s culture and religious life.

Picture 20: From 9:30am to 1:30pm (EDT) on June 28 (Friday), 2013, in AIC DC Center (1140 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20036) held the seminar of cultural and religious persecution in Asia and its impact on indigenous communities.

Picture 21: They discussed a lot of human rights situation in South and Southeast Asia, which lead people into a deep thinking and started questioning what they can do to help improving the situation.

Picture 22: Report shows that all these following actions are threatening indigenous people’s freedom of religion, like violent suppression, attacking religious center, suppressing rallies against persecution, threatening indigenous people not to spread national culture and education, discrimination on indigenous people who is involved in social, economic and political institutions.

Picture 23: We need to discuss and study these issues; American Islamic Congress’ Project Nur and Institute for Gilgit Baltistan Studies held the seminar titled “Cultural and Religious Persecution in Asia and the Impact on Indigenous Communities” together.

Picture 24: This phenomenon is also a major issue impacting the indigenous people in Asia today. At present, indigenous people’ culture and religion in Asia continue to be attacked.

Picture 25: The chairman of China Victims League Ms. Ge, Lifang also attended this seminar and made a speech.

Picture 26: The chairman of China Victims League Ms. Ge, Lifang also attended this seminar and made a speech.

Picture 27: Group Picture after the siminar

Picture 28: Let us work together to eliminate cultural and religious persecution, and fight together to build a new world with freedom of culture and religion.

Picture 29: In the most recent annual report of Pew Research Center and the U.S. State Department, it mentions that the number of religious persecution incidents is rising in Asia, which directly impact indigenous people’ s culture and religious life.

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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