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Chairman Wang Jun’s Speech on U.S. Congress Meeting in Commemoration of the 19th Anniversary of the Vietnam Human Rights Day
Date: 5/11/2013 12:00:08 PM Sender: Wang, Jun
Chairman Wang Jun’s Speech on U.S. Congress Meeting in
Commemoration of the 19th Anniversary of the Vietnam Human Rights Day


Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a great pleasure to meet you again.

I, on behalf of China Democracy Party, warmly congratulate the opening of the 19th Anniversary of the Human Rights Day.
Today we come to the US Congress Hall to attend the meeting in commemoration of the 19th anniversary of the Vietnam Human Rights Day. I feel the opportunity is very good, but the task is still heavy, especially under the hard condition of engaging human rights in the United Sta tes. Now, the autocratic rulers are seeking unity, Syria, North Korea are hot points, especially Vietnam, China, and Russia are in the back for them; the situation in democratic countries is not optimistic. It is well known that the autocracy in China is very rampant. My old friend, China Democracy Party member Mr. Zhu,Yufu is persecuted in prison, and his siblings were compelled to other countries. He has been imprisoned for more than 11 years, and there are still 5 years left. His health condition is deteriorating in prison. China Democracy Party member Mr. Xu,Wanping was sentenced 12 years into prison in 2007; China Democracy Party member Mr. Xie, Changfa was sentenced 13 years into prison; China democracy party member Mr. Xue, Mingkai, who was only 22, was sentenced 4 years into prison. China Democracy Party member Mr. Li, Hong and Mr. Li, Wangyang was persecuted to death. China Democracy Party member Mr. Zhang, lin, who went back from America to China, was forbidden to come back to America, and was harassed again and again in China.

Today we specially call for Mr. Wang, Bingzhang, one of the founders of China Democracy Party, who has devoted himself to China democratic movement since 1980, he was one of the nominees for Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. On June, 2002, Mr. Wang, Bingzhang went to Vietnam from America, but he was secretly kidnapped back to China by Chinese government together with Vietnam government. On February, 2003, Mr. Wang, Bingzhang was sentenced to life imprisonment by China court. He was imprisoned in single cell for as long as 9 years in Beijiang Prison, Shaoguan, China. Mr. Wang, Bingzhang suffered inhuman persecution there and several strokes.

Though Mr. Wang, Bingzhang has U.S. green card and most of his family members are Canadian citizens, these still could not guarantee his personal safety. Over the years, the efforts have made in the US Congress and Canadian Parliament to rescue him did not prove effective, which shows how bad the human rights condition is in China.

From Mr. Wang, Bingzhang incident, people could tell that the situation of human right activists is extremely dangerous and hard in China and Vietnam. All the activist, in China and Vietnam should work together, and face danger together. Mr. Wang, Bingzhang’s today is probably our tomorrow. Today we pursue the value of democracy and human right, not only for the people in our country, but also in defending the value of democracy and freedom of the United States. If there is no democracy and freedom, human beings will back forward to the Middle Ages. Thus, America’s status of protecting democracy and human rights is irreplaceable.

We totally understand:        the harder our way is, the more interact between Chinese people and Vietnamese people are needed; the harder our way is, the more valuable our contribution to democracy and human right will be. We are representing the values of civilized society, and we are overcoming suppressions one after another from the autocratic systems, and finally we will establish a democratic China and a democratic Vietnam.
Ladies and Gentlemen, a better future needs us to fight together and to sacrifice!
Best regards to all the people who are involved in this Vietnam Human Rights day, and once again to congratulate the successes of the 19th anniversary of the Vietnam Human Rights Day.
Thank you!

Wang Jun, 05/11/2013     Cel:917-348-5230
Proprietor of China Democracy Journal
Chairman of China Democracy Party

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  我们来到美国国会殿堂,参加“越南人权日19周年”纪念会( the 19th Commemoration of Vietnam Human Rights Day ),深感来之不易、重任在肩,尤其是在美国从事亚洲人权事业相当艰难的情况下。当前,国际专制暴政存在联合之势,叙利亚、北朝鲜,都是危险的热点,中国、越南、俄罗斯这些国家是他们的靠山;相形之下,民主国家的形势却显得让人担忧。众所周知,中国国内的专制暴政肆意横行。我的老朋友、中国民主党人朱虞夫遭到中共的监禁虐待,累计服刑长达11年,还有刑期5年,他目前在狱中病情恶化,其兄弟姐妹被迫逃亡国外。中国民主党人许万平在2007年被中共判刑12年,中国民主党人谢长发被中共判刑13年;中国民主党人刘贤斌被中共判刑10年;年仅22岁的中国民主党人薛明凯被中共判刑4年。中国民主党人力虹、李旺阳被中共迫害致死!从美国回中国的张林被禁止回到美国,并在中国多次遭到骚扰。

                借此机会,我们特别为中国民主党的创始人之一、1980年就参与中国民主运动、2009年被提名诺贝尔和平奖候选人的王炳章先生呼吁: 2002年6月,王炳章从美国到越南,被中国政府伙同越南政府从越南北部秘密绑架回中国。2003年2月,王炳章被中国的法院判处无期徒刑,在中国韶关北江监狱被单独囚禁长达九年时间,遭受残酷迫害,几度中风。




  在此,我们对越南人权活动者表示崇高的敬意!再一次祝贺“越南人权日19周年”纪念会( the 19th Commemoration of Vietnam Human Rights Day )获得圆满成功!谢谢!

  王军 2013年5月11日 发言人王军先生为:《中国民主报》社长、中国民主党主席 《中国民主报》社网址 E-mail:cdjweb@gmail.conm 中国民主党世界同盟网址:Website: E-mail: 王军手机:917-348-5230        

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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