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Mr. Chen, Zhonghe, a member of China Democracy Party
Date: 11/11/2006 12:25:37 PM Sender: CDP

Mr. Chen, Zhonghe, a member of China Democracy Party

Chen, Zhonghe, male, was born in 1948, in Wuhan City of Hubei Province. He used to be a worker of Wuhan Iron and Steel Plant. He participated in the “June Forth” democratic movement in 1989.
In 1993, he took part in the “Peace Charter Movement”, and appealed to the Chinese mainland for implementing democracy.
In September of 1998, Qin, Yongmin and some other people set up the “China Human Rights Observer Organization”. After the application was approved by the Department of Civil Affairs of Hubei Province, they officially established China Democracy Party's headquarters in Hubei Province. Chen, Zhonghe acted as the chairman of China Democracy Party's headquarters in Hubei province. The reason of being arrested: participating in the organization and establishment of China Democracy Party's headquarters in Hubei province, and demanding the release of arrested CDP members. Chen, Zhonghe was summoned and detained for several times.
Date of being arrested: September 1, 1999, he was arrested on the suspicion of overturning the state's political power. The trial date: the April of 2000, the Intermediate People's Court of Wuhan city of Hubei province, heard Chen, Zhonghe's case, and it did not come to a verdict at last.
July 7, 2000, the court reheard the case, and Chen, Zhonghe was sentenced to seven-year imprisonment for the crime of overturning the state's power. The accusation: overturning the nation's political power; term of imprisonment: seven years.
November 8, 2006, Chen, Zhonghe, the chairman of China Democracy Party's headquarters in Hubei provice, as well as a well-known dissent was released after serving seven-year sentence, and then he came back to Wuhan.


    陈忠和(Chen Zhonghe) 男﹐1948年出生﹐户籍地﹕湖北省武汉市。 原武汉钢铁厂职工。曾参加1989年的“六四”民运活动。 参与运动及主张。
    1998年9月和秦永敏等创立“中国人权观察”组织。他们向湖北省民政厅申请成立中国民主党湖北省党部﹐获得批准﹐正式在湖北省成立中国民主党,陈忠和担任中国民主党湖北省党部主席。 被捕原因: 参与筹组中国民主党湖北省党部及要求释放被捕的各省组党人士﹐陈忠和数次被传讯和拘留。 被捕日期:
    1999年9月1日﹐陈忠和以涉嫌犯颠覆国家政权罪被捕。 审判日期: 2000年4月湖北省武汉市中级人民法院开庭审理陈忠和案﹐审理未作判决。
    2000年7月7日﹐法庭再次开审﹐陈忠和被以颠覆国家政权罪判处有期徒刑7年。 控罪: 颠覆国家政权罪。 刑期: 有期徒刑7年。

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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