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Wang, Jun called on President Barack Obama to pay attention to Zhu, Yufu in front of the White House
Date: 2/22/2012 9:48:07 AM Sender: CDP
Wang, Jun called on American President Barack Obama to pay attention to Zhu, Yufu in front of the White House in America

Pic.1: Wang, Jun called on American President Barack Obama to pay attention to Zhu, Yufu in front of the White House in America

Pic.2: 2:30 PM in the afternoon of February 15th, 2012, more than 50 China Democracy Party members held a rally in front of the White House in Washington D.C, calling on the American government and President Obama to pay attention to China Democracy member Zhu, Yufu, and strongly demanding Chinese government to release China Democracy member Zhu, Yufu.

Wang, Jun called on American President Barack Obama to pay attention to Zhu, Yufu in front of the White House in America
—— strongly demand Chinese government to immediately release China Democracy member Zhu, Yufu

At 2:30PM in the afternoon of Feb.15th, more than 50 China Democracy Party members held a rally in front of the White House, Washington D.C, calling on the American government and President Obama to pay attention to China Democracy member Zhu, Yufu, also strongly demanding Chinese government to immediately release China Democracy member Zhu, Yufu, demanding Chinese government to improve human rights, to promote democratic political movement, and perform a democratic political system where multiple parties take turns to have the state power. The Chairman of China Democracy Party and Proprieter of <China Democracy Journal> Wang, Jun attended today’s meeting and gave an important speech.

One of the China Democracy Party founders Mr. Zhu, Yufu, has been an important leader for a long time in China Democracy Party’s Zhejiang Province branch. He was put in prison twice by the Chinese Communist government in the name of “overthrowing state power”, and was persecuted for 9 years in the jail of Chinese Communist Party. On March 5th, 2011, China Democracy Party member Zhu, Yufu was caught by CCP, on April 11th, 2011, he was formally arrested again in the name of“suspected of inciting and overthrow state power”. On January 17th, 2012, he was sued once again by Chinese Communist authorities in the name of “overthrowing state power”. At 9:00 AM of January 31, 2012, the Chinese Communist government brought Mr.Zhu, Yufu to illegal trial again; on February 10, 2012, Mr. Zhu, Yufu was sentenced heavily for seven years in prison in the name of“the crime of inciting subverting national regime” by Chinese Communist government.

The Chairman of China Democratic Party and Proprietor of <China Democracy Journal> Wang, Jun stated in the rally in front of the White House, at the special moment of China's vice President Xi, Jinping visiting the United States, some of the China Democracy Party members held the rally here, to strongly protest that Chinese government tramples on human rights, also heavily yet illegally sentenced China Democracy party member Zhu, Yufu for 7 years in prison again. Chinese Communist Party has persecuted China Democracy members for a long time, as well as dissidents, human rights activists and religious people; Chinese Communist government strictly controls the freedom of speech, and never allows the Chinese people to have different voices; moreover, they put dissidents and human rights activists under strict surveillance; they arrest and forcibly return the people who went for appeal. Using Violence is the essential feature of an autocratic regime; laws have become a sort of decorations, and human ruling has taken the place of ruling by law. It is a hard proof of the lawlessness in the Chinese Communist government that China Democracy Party member Mr.Zhu, Yufu was sentenced just because of his words.

In the rally, President Wang, Jun read a poem written by Mr. Zhu, Yufu in February, 2011, named <it is about time>, the whole article is followed:

It is about time, Chinese! It is about time.
The square is ours
Feet are our own
It is about time to use our feet to go to the square and make our decisions

It is about time, Chinese! It is about time
Songs are ours
Throats are our own
It is about time to use our throats to sing the song deeply buried in our hearts

It is about time, Chinese! It is about time
China is ours
Choice is our own
It is about time to choose the future of China by ourselves

Just after China Democracy Party member Zhu, Yufu was severely sentenced for seven years in prison, the Chairman of China Democracy Party and Proprietor of <China Democracy Journal>, Wang, Jun wrote a letter to the U.S President Obama, calling on his attention to Mr. Zhu, Yufu, also calling on the American government could impose pressure to the Chinese vice President Xi, Jinpin who is visiting the U.S, demanding the Chinese government to release China Democracy Party member Mr. Zhu, Yufu immediately

Pic.3: The Chairman of China Democratic Party and Proprietor of <China Democracy Journal>, Wang, Jun stated in the rally held in front of the White House, on the occasion of Chinese vice President Xi, Jinping’s visiting the United States, some China Democracy Party members held the rally here, to strongly protest that China government tramples on human rights, also illegally serious sentenced China Democracy party member Zhu, Yufu for 7 years again.

Pic.4: The Chairman of China Democracy Party and Proprietor of <China Democracy Journal> Wang, Jun wrote a letter to President Obama calling on his attention to Mr. Zhu, Yufu, also calling on the American government to impose pressure to Chinese vice President Xi, Jinping that is visiting the U.S, demanding the Chinese government to release China Democracy Party member Mr. Zhu, Yufu immediately.

Pic.5: The Chairman of China Democracy Party and Proprietor of <China Democracy Journal>Wang, Jun wrote to American President Barack Obama calling on his attention of Mr. Zhu, Yufu. The above photo is the Chinese version of the letter.

Pic.6: The Chairman of China Democracy Party and Proprietor of <China Democracy Journal>Wang, Jun wrote to American President Barack Obama calling on his attention of Mr. Zhu, Yufu. The above photo is the Chinese version of the letter.

Pic.7: The Chairman of China Democracy Party and Proprietor of <China Democracy Journal>Wang, Jun wrote to American President Barack Obama calling on his attention of Mr. Zhu, Yufu. The above photo is the English version of the letter.

Pic.8: The Chairman of China Democracy Party and Proprietor of <China Democracy Journal>Wang, Jun wrote to American President Barack Obama calling on his attention of Mr. Zhu, Yufu. The above photo is the English version of the letter.

Pic.9:the members of CDP gathered in the front of White House , strongly protest Chinese government tramples on human rights, and illegally serious sentenced CDP member Zhu,Yufu for seven years in prison again.

Pic.10:In a long time, Chinese government persecuted CDP member, dissidents, right-safeguarding people and religious people; Chinese government has strict restricted freedom of speech and didn’t allow different voice from the people

Pic.11:Chinese government has strict restricted dissidents, rights-safeguarding people, arresting without any constraint, forcible repatriation of the petition

Pic.12:CDP member calling on American government and president pay attention to CDP member Zhu,Yufu , strongly request Chinese government immediately release CDP member Zhu,Yufu

Pic.13:Just as CCP has sentenced CDP member Zhu, Yufu for seven years in prison, the chairman of CDP, the proprieter of CDP Mr. Wang, Jun wrote to President Barack Obama to pay attention to Mr. Zhu,Yufu

Pic.14:The capital police have a friendly talk with Chairman Wang, Jun in front of White House

Pic.15: The American media making program in front of White House

China Democracy Party
《China Democracy Journal》
Feb.16 2012

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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