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Welcome Yi, Ren to join China Democracy Party
Date: 6/16/2011 12:49:35 AM Sender: CDP
Welcome Yi, Ren to join China Democracy Party

On June 11, 2011, chairman of China Democracy Party Wang,Jun received a letter from Yi, Ren (pseudonym) in Hubei province, and hoped to join China Democracy Party. The letter said, “I like free, democratic, civilized, with their beliefs. And in this country now, see some of the event happens, I wonder. So, I'd like to join China's Democrats.”
Yi,Ren (pseudonym) solemnly expressed in the letter: I hope to join China Democracy Party voluntarily and struggle for democracy and freedom for my homeland. And I also can struggle for democracy and freedom for people! I can struggle for the justice and fairness for the society!
China Democratic Party Organization Department agreed to Yi, Ren (a pseudonym) request, and approved Yi, Ren (pseudonym) as a member of the China Democracy Party.
Approval Date: June 16, 2011

China Democracy Party Organization Department congratulates Yi, Ren (pseudonym) to become a member of CDP and hope Yi, Ren (pseudonym) will contribute his efforts for the establishment of democracy in China.

China Democratic Party Organization Department
                                    June 16, 2011

Letter from Yi, Ren:

Name: Yi, Ren (pseudonym)
Native place: Hubei
Residence: Shanghai

Mr. Wang,Jun,
I like free, democratic, civilized, with their beliefs. And in this country now, see some of the event happens, I wonder. So, I'd like to join China's Democrats. I sent my apply for taking part in CDP especially in this means.

I pledge:
I voluntarily join the Democracy Party!
I would like to uphold the party line, observe party discipline and keep party secrets;
I would like to fulfill the obligations of the party and stay loyal to the party's cause!
I am willing to fight for democracy and prosperity of my country!
I am willing to fight for freedom and happiness of the people!
I am willing to fight for social equity and justice of society!

I will carry out my swear resolutely


    2011年6月11日,中国民主党主席王军先生收到籍貫中国湖北一位朋友義仁(化名)的来信,来信希望加入中国民主党。義仁在信中说: 我嚮往自由,民主,文明,有着自己的信仰。而在目前這個國家,看到身邊發生的一些事件,我迷惘了。於是,我想加入中國民主黨。





中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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