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Welcome Zhang, Yong to join China Democracy Party
Date: 7/21/2011 10:43:22 AM Sender: CDP
Welcome Zhang, Yong to join China Democracy Party

On July 18, 2011, chairman of China Democracy Party Wang,Jun received a letter from Zhang, Yong (pseudonym) in Chicago in USA, and hoped to join China Democracy Party. The letter said, “I've been thinking for a long time and attention of our motherland democratic development. Although the communist party can develop economics in short time, but I still for our country's future and the future worry. A one-party dictatorship of the communist party, high pressure rule also produced a government corruption, the rich and the height of the highly unevenly, the height of the environmental pollution, the height of the judicial injustice, the news public opinion height of not free, the height of the society harmonious. Only by eliminating the one-party dictatorship, go pluralism, open press freedom, really so that people are the masters, our motherland to long-term and eternal toward prosperity”.
Zhang, Yong (pseudonym) solemnly expressed in the letter: I hope to join China Democracy Party and contribute my efforts for democracy and freedom under the leadership of CDP.

China Democratic Party Organization Department agreed to Zhang, Yong (a pseudonym) request, and approved Zhang, Yong(pseudonym) as a member of the China Democracy Party.

Approval Date: July 22, 2011.

Letter from Zhang, Yong:

Mr. Wang,Jun,
Thank you very much for your contribute on democracy, freedom and prosperity.
My name is Zhang, Yong (pseudonym) and I live in Chicago. I've been thinking for a long time and attention of our motherland democratic development. Although the communist party can develop economics in short time, but I still for our country's future and the future worry.
A one-party dictatorship of the communist party, high pressure rule also produced a government corruption, the rich and the height of the highly unevenly, the height of the environmental pollution, the height of the judicial injustice, the news public opinion height of not free, the height of the society harmonious.
Only by eliminating the one-party dictatorship, go pluralism, open press freedom, really so that people are the masters, our motherland to long-term and eternal toward prosperity
I hope to join China Democracy Party and contribute my efforts for democracy and freedom under the leadership of CDP.

Zhang, Yong (pseudonym)
July 17, 2011

I pledge:
I voluntarily join the Democracy Party!
I would like to uphold the party line, observe party discipline and keep party secrets;
I would like to fulfill the obligations of the party and stay loyal to the party's cause!
I am willing to fight for democracy and prosperity of my country!
I am willing to fight for freedom and happiness of the people!
I am willing to fight for social equity and justice of society!

I will carry out my swear resolutely


    2011年7月18日,中国民主党主席王军先生收到住在美国芝加哥的一位朋友张涌(化名)的来信,来信希望加入中国民主党。张涌在信中说: 我长期以来一直思考和关注我们祖国的民主发展. 共产党虽然可以短时期内发展了经济,但是我还是为我们祖国的前途和未来担心。共产党的一党专政, 高压统治也产生了政府的高度腐败, 贫富的高度不均, 环境的高度污染, 司法的高度不公, 新闻舆论的高度不自由, 社会的高度不和谐。只有消除一党专政, 走多党制, 开放新闻自由, 真真让老百姓当家做主, 我们的祖国才能长期和永远的走向繁荣昌盛。
    张涌(化名)朋友在信中郑重表示:希望您能批准我加入中国民主党. 我愿意为建立民主和富强的中国而贡献自己的力量。



    我的名字叫张涌(化名), 住在芝加哥. 我长期以来一直思考和关注我们祖国的民主发展. 共产党虽然可以短时期内发展了经济,但是我还是为我们祖国的前途和未来担心。
    共产党的一党专政, 高压统治也产生了政府的高度腐败, 贫富的高度不均, 环境的高度污染, 司法的高度不公, 新闻舆论的高度不自由, 社会的高度不和谐。
    只有消除一党专政, 走多党制, 开放新闻自由, 真真让老百姓当家做主, 我们的祖国才能长期和永远的走向繁荣昌盛。
    希望您能批准我加入中国民主党. 我愿意为建立民主和富强的中国而贡献自己的力量。




中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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