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Wang,Jun: Road map of Chinese Tibetan Friendship Society
Date: 6/19/2009 11:15:35 AM Sender: CDP
                                                                                                    Wang,Jun: Road map of Chinese Tibetan Friendship Society

                    Wang,Jun, Chairman of China Democracy Party, proprietor of “China Democracy journal”

At 2:00 pm on March 8, 2009, the Chinese Tibetan Friendship Society was established at “China Democracy journal” office in Flushing New York, chairman of the Chinese Tibetan Friendship Soceity is Thuten Thokmey, principal of New York’s Tibetan Buddhist Institute. Eight directors are Phunbu Dorjee, Wang,Jun, Sun,Yan, Tsering Phuntsok, Zheng,Kexue, Lobdoe Shara, Li,Ming. Then appointed Tsering Manchu and Jia Hu as secretaries.

As the name suggests, the Chinese Tibetan Friendship Society is to push forward communications, understanding, and friendship between Han ethnic and Tibetans.

For this purpose, on March 28, 2009, the Chinese Tibetan Friendship Society council was first held at “China Democracy Journal” office. Councilors of the society made speeches and had a good start for the cause for the Han-Tibetans friendship.

How to push forward the Chinese Tibetan Friendship? I have some thoughts and bring them up here for everyone to discuss.

Firstly, establish the tenet of Chinese Tibetan friendship
Dalai Lama repeatedly expresses that he strives for autonomy of Tibetan ethnics, and hopes Tibet can have more autonomy in the constitution, and has publicly states he doesn’t pursue Tibet independence. Therefore Han ethnics I have contacted all understand and support human rights activities of Tibetans.

We know that: struggles for freedom of Tibetans are human rights activities and not separatist activities. For freedom and human rights, Tibetans take protest activities like hunger strikes, group association, and release the souls of the dead, these activities are peaceful and non violent. However, their peaceful struggles suffer violent oppression by CCP. In Jan this year, Lhasa at least arrested 81 person, nearly 6000 people were interrogated. The situation in Tibet is very stern, and CCP officials create terror atmosphere to maintain social peace on the surface.

Han ethnics respect autonomous principle of Tibetans, but don’t want to see national abruption caused by regional autonomy. To have communications and understandings, Chinese and Tibetans should propel communications, deepen understandings and promote friendship. After China is democratic, and under the frame of Chinese Federal Republic, Chinese and Tibetans could have joint consultation to solve political relations of Chinese-Tibetans and other ethnics.

Picture 1. On Oct 16, 2007, American President Bush received Dalai Lama like a family member

Picture 2. On May 5, 2009, chairman Wang,Jun took photo with Dalai Lama at the Waldorf Astoria.

Secondly, explore methods for Chinese Tibetan friendship
Chinese Tibetan friendship can be explored by several ways. One is through art performances, holiday celebrations, and exchange of gifts; the other way is through political activities and academic seminars.

Dalai Lama’s statement pointed out that for the long-term and fundamental interests of Tibetans, political system in Tibet should be democratic. Now because of oppression by CCP regime, democracy in Tibet hasn’t achieved active efforts. Tibetans after they exiled had wise reform immediately, import management of structure and the congress elected by the people. Today, Exiled Tibet society has totally changed to a modern democratic society which has its own administrative management rules, and the cabinet is voted by the people. For Tibetans to continue struggle for democracy, safeguard and preserve religion and culture in Tibet, it’s very important that exiled Tibetan organizations are effectively managed by exiled Tibetans. It proves that Tibetans totally have abilities to manage themselves, and achieve political democracy in local Tibet.

I sympathize and understand democratic wishes of Tibetans. Now we at least organize protests, demonstrations, supports, and discussions every week, express our views at the UN, the White House, the Capitol Hill, protest at the Chinese Consulate General, Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C., also voice our opinions on “China Democracy Journal” in Flushing. Since the establishment of China Democracy Party website in 2004, we have 256 activities on the website ( . Chinese and Tibetans should unite together, take joint actions, and go to the UN, the Capitol Hill, and the White House for petitions, demonstrations, and protests.

Thirdly, create platform for Chinese Tibetan friendship
From now on, we should combine activities of Chinese Tibetan friendship Society and democratic activities in China, and propel cooperation of Chinese Tibetans with democratic media.

We collect money to run “China Democracy Journal” under arduous conditions, and it has published for 15 editions. Japanese “Saneki Shimbun” reported the 12th edition of “China Democracy Journal” on Feb 10, 2009. The electronic version is on

Besides “China Democracy Journal”, we have three other websites:
1. China Democracy Party,        Chinese website:
2. China Democracy Party,        English website:
3. “China Democracy Journal” forum for democracy:
The above websites publish plenty news, and articles to publicize democratic ideas.

Everyone knows that Tibet leader Dalai Lama always advocates the middle road to solve Tibetan problems. Rep of Dalai Lama once kept contact with Chinese government for many years, and had rounds of talks but had no results because the Chinese government lacks sincerity. At the end of 2008, Dalai Lama expressed that he was disappointed in the Chinese government but full of hope for the Chinese people. Dalai Lama and exiled Tibet government will contact Chinese people more direct and closer, listen to different voices of overseas and domestic Chinese, and introduce stand of Dalai Lama and exiled government to live in concord with Chinese people.

To respond to Dalai Lama’s claim, we will use our newspaper and website to actively publicize ideas of Dalai Lama especially his peaceful thoughts of middle road, help Chinese and Tibetans to better understand each other!

All facts indicate that only when Chinese and Tibetans unite together, all nationalities unite together, fight against violent regime of CCP and ally with international advanced force, Chinese and Tibetans can have a bright future! The Chinese Tibetan friendship Society is the best platform to popularize the line!

Draft on April 8, 2009 and revised on May 9, 2009
New York

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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