People all over the world for peace and democracy、united! Go all out for a democratic China! Democracy、Freedom、Fairness、Rule by Law、Human Right、Better Life!
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Welcome Li, Zi to Join China Democracy Party
Date: 7/9/2010 2:34:58 PM Sender: CDP
On June 26, 2010, Mr. Wang, Jun, chairman of the China Democracy Party and China Democracy Party World Union received a letter from Li, Zi, a friend in the P.R. China who applied for joining the China Democracy Party. In the letter he wrote: “I am a middle school teacher who has witnessed darkness of the CCP in the P.R. China. I myself applied for joining the CDP. I hope to change the present situation of China as soon as possible to actualize real democracy and multi-party execution in turns as well as implementing the separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers!”

Organization department of China Democracy Party approved Li, Zi (pseudonym) to be the CDP member. Approved date: July 9, 2009. We congratulated on Li, Zi’s(pseudonym) being CDP member. Hope Li, Zi (pseudonym) will fulfill his own oath, strive and devote himself to building up a free, democratic and prospective country!

China Democracy Party Organization Department
Nov. 12, 2009

Li, Zi’s letter:

I am a middle school teacher who has witnessed darkness of the CCP in the P.R. China. I myself applied for joining the CDP. I hope to change the present situation of China as soon as possible to actualize real democracy and multi-party execution in turns as well as implementing the separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers!

Li, Zi (pseudonym)
June 26, 2010


    2010年6月26日,中国民主党、中国民主党世界同盟主席王军先生收到一位来自中国国内的朋友李资(化名)申请加入中国民主党的邮件。李资(化名)朋友在信中写道: 我是国内一名中学教师,目睹和亲历了共产党的黑暗。我志愿加入中国民主党。我非常希望能迅速改变中国现状,实现真正民主,实行多党轮流执政,实行三权分立!





中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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