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CDPWU: Strongly Condemn HanZhou police
Date: 4/26/2007 9:25:40 AM Sender: CDP
CDPWU: Strongly Condemn HanZhou police
further persecution on Mr. Zhu Yufu and Son

Zhu Yufu detention notices


Mr. Zhu, YuFu has become a prominent figure of China Democratic Movement

Mr, Zhu, YuFu, one of the founder of CDP in 1998, also a pioneer of democracy during the Democratic Wall Era, has suffered much due to CCP's persecution. Returning home after serving 7 years in prison, Mr. Zhu, YuFu was humiliated by former employer--local housing authority while trying to get back his job. HanZhou police also made the matter worse by arresting Mr. Zhu, YuFu with no reasons for serveral times.

And contrary to the wishes of the perpetrators, Zhu Yufu's repustation has grown & he has become the most prominent figure in the democratic movement in China.

In such circumstances, we also noted that Hanzhou police treated Mr. Zhu, YuFu with a more moderate policy. We certainly welcome that positively. Mr. Zhu, YuFu demonstrating virtue of a mature political leader, also praised the progress and improvement of HanZhou police.


Mr. Zhu, YuFu son's arrest notice

Mr. Zhu, YuFu's higher moral standards was respected by many other people and they all come to visit him. This is understood as natural response in China's customs. Mr. Zhu, YuFu is not only the proud of HangZhou, but also the proud of HangZhou police.


Mr. Zhu, YuFu's arrest notice

We all relized the exceptional hardship of Mr. Zhu, YuFu after just being released from prison. He can not welcome his friends with five star hotels like CCP corruptive officials, instead he welcome friends afar with his son's little house. Out of expectation, in such a good morale city like HangZhou, police disregard the old Chinese saying of "Treating your friends from afar nice", broke the old customs of "not entering people's house without invitation", they tred forcefully to search Mr. Zhu, YuFu son's house. After being rejected, they retaliated and start a fight. And they arrested Mr. Zhu, YuFu's son & Mr. Zhu, YuFu, who came to mediate the situation. They charged Mr. Zhu, YuFu & his son obstructing law enforcement. Several days later, their relatives received the so-called "obstructing the law enforcement.

Zhu Yufu's wife Jiang Li Hang is very offensive about this arrest since it has involved his son: "I am disgusted with this because of my son's involvement. He is only in his 20s, and his future will be dramatically affected by this criminal charge."

Here, we solemnly demand that the HanZhou police to immediately release Mr. Zhu, YuFu & his son, apologize in person, compensate losses, and punished the brutal police involved. We also demand the police to stop any further persecution on Mr. Zhu, YuFu & his families.

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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