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New book release “Tiger” held at Flushing Overseas
Date: 3/27/2007 2:54:27 PM Sender: CDP

                                   Picture: New book “Tiger” release site

    New book release “Tiger” held at Flushing Overseas Chinese Cultural Center

On Mar. 24, 2007, Mr. Fan, SiDong released his new book “Tiger” at Flushing Overseas Cultural Center in New York. The release invited renowned guests of China democratic movement,. Pan GuoPing, Yan JiaQi,. Xu ShuiLiang, Yang Zhou, Wang Jun, WeiQuanBao, Cai GuiHua, Zheng Yuan, Fu ShenPing, Gao Ping, Zhang Jing, Yang Zi & etc. Mr. Wan, HanWang from TaiWan host the book release.

Guests expressed their opinions on the history, present & future of Mainland China’s democracy, freedom, and human rights system. Mr. Wang Jun made brief speech on the meeting. Mr. Wang Jun claimed “from my understanding of history, when tomorrow come, today becomes history. Each of us is writing our own history today. We will respect the historical fact, and contribute our effort to China’s democratic movement. Terminate CCP’s one party dictatorship in China, establish democratic China. May Chinese people stand before the world with dignity and human rights, this is our mission, and this is the future of history.

After the meeting, Mr. Fang, SiDong signed autograph for people who bought the book.

              Picture: Mr. Wang, Jun gave speech at the book release.

              Picture: Mr. Fan, SiDong signed autograph for buyers

              Picture: Friends & guest of the book release celebrate

              Picture: Democratic Movement activist Mr. Pan, GuoPing shakes hands with Mr. Wang Jun

              Picture: Democratic Movement activist Mr. Pan, GuoPing with Mr. Wang, Jun.

              Picture: Guests attending the book release took picture together.

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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