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Wang,Xiaofang: System Causes Serious Corruption in
Date: 3/22/2007 3:48:18 PM Sender: Wang, Xiaofang

                               Wang,Xiaofang: System Causes Serious Corruption in China

Powers of high level CCP leaders was never questioned. Many cases prove that corruption in China resulted from the system.
There is no supervision to powers. People have no political rights. There is no balance of multiple political powers. So, systematic corruption is inevitable. To cure this problem, the old system has to be renovated. Before CCP took over the political powers, its goal is to takeover the government, and the goal to takeover the government is to let the people live better lives. Of course, if the people can live better lives, that’s fine. But the fact is only some people can. Only some people are allowed to live well, to get rich, and to live better than others, or even get rich by exploiting others. CCP initiated reform and open-door policy and benefit itself, allowing corruption to go alongside development. Change some systematic errors is for the purpose of continuous corruption or corruption during reform. Let the people get a little benefit is called stabilization from corruption.

Wang, Xiaofang

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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