Wang Yi: Hu JinTao, Good Or Evil?
Date: 2/21/2007 1:20:08 PM
Sender: Wang Yi
Wang Yi: Hu JinTao, Good Or Evil?
People always say, In China, most of the policy of the central government is correct, and it is only the followers made mistakes. President Hu himself is honest in performing official duties, and he wants China to prosper. People believe President Hu is against corruption, it is just that China is too big to control. President Hu has done everything he can. In all, CCP is good, President Hu is good, and it is the corrupted followers below them that are evil.
Here, I will not discuss if President Hu is honestly performing his duties, or if he indeed want to erase corruption. Let's assume it is for now. Therefore, the political views of President Hu & his group are correct, at least from how it appears. As a leading party, as the leader of the party, in order to protect their benefits and ruling of the nation, they truly want China to prosper, and Chinese people to get rich, society to be peaceful, and people to enjoy their living and excel in their career, they definitely do not want their people to be poor and rebellious. The huge gap between the rich and the poor will create killing of the rich and giving their fortune to the poor. If this happens, their can not live in peace, and the leadership will not be stable.
However, good will does not always lead to good results. That is the current situation in China. We can not approve the president because of their good will; it depends on the results of their government performance. At least they are not doing their jobs well for now, or even worse, they are not competent at their jobs at all. Regarding to the problems in China, they know the cause of it that is political reform, implementing democracy and multi-party system. In order to protect their one party ruling, and their private interest, they throw poor people into "troubled water", ignore the national interest. But they will not implement democracy and multi-party system. They know they are doing the wrong thing but will not correct it. Till this point, we have to doubt their "good will" and be suspicious on their "good intentions".
To sum it all up, we can say, if President Hu can resist the temptation of higher political position and making a fortune, if he can put people's interest before his own, and if he can really perform his official duties honestly, then he is good. On the contrary, if he did not excel performing his jobs, if he only cares his own interests, and hinders China's democratic movement, then he is evil!
Wang Yi
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