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Liu,Boli: Why Can’t Chinese People Get Rich
Date: 2/15/2007 1:24:34 PM Sender: Liu, Boli

                                      Liu,Boli: Why Can’t Chinese People Get Rich

Democracy is to perform according to the will of the majority rather than minority. Freedom is to do things at one’s own will instead of others’. If everyone does everything at his own will, which might be different from others’ opinion, nothing can be accomplished. Therefore, the principles of freedom must be coordinated with the principles of democracy.
One person alone can do everything at his own will. In a society of two persons, the two have to do everything after discussion. If opinions differ, they have to separate. Typical examples are husbands and wives. If the husband and the wife each exercises freedom of his or her own, they are doomed to divorce if they can not reach an agreement. In a society of three, when each exercises his freedom, minority has to obey the majority. This is harmony of freedom and democracy. Democracy can not be exercised by one or two people. It requires at least 3 people and the three have to be organized and act for common goals. The main body of democracy is organized group. A country is the largest organized group. When practicing democracy in a country is the will of most people, only when democracy is realized can the people enjoy freedom.

Liu, Boli

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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