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Wang, Mingqing:Violence Terror and Lies Are All We
Date: 2/13/2007 12:38:01 PM Sender: Wang, Mingqing

                         Wang, Mingqing:Violence Terror and Lies Are All Weapons of Autocracy

There are many similarities between CCP and other autocratic governments. The essence of CCP is rule by violence and terror. CCP can diminish by violence many people with different political opinions and threatens more. Long term rule by terror has taught people to be obedient. Telling lies is another powerful weapon for CCP to maintain control. Lies have made people living in terror to rely on the CCP political group that practices terror controls.
Nonetheless, violence, terror and lies can not keep a country secure and safe forever. On the contrary, they strangle traditional culture and values. Half a century’s dark rule in China has produced more than a billion sly citizens. Look at the Chinese nowadays. Everyone is just as numb and selfish. This is a group of people without sense of just and responsibilities. They have learnt how to survive amidst violence, terror and lies. They in the process of half-century-long brain wash have learnt to cheat other as well as themselves. Such a nation has lost the ability to think independently. Anyone who has different opinions from CCP is destroyed physically and diminished spiritually.

Wang, Mingqing

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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