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Ci,Yongtao: To Realize Democracy in China, One Par
Date: 1/19/2007 10:09:07 AM Sender: Ci,Yongtao

                      Ci,Yongtao: To Realize Democracy in China, One Party Dictatorship must be Terminated

The long term one party dictatorship by China communist party, plus the low quality on democracy understanding by the Chinese people, especially among the farmers, a majority of the population, made China a tradition: when something is allowed to decide by the people it will turn to be in a disordered status, lack of ruled-by-law concept among Chinese people; another thing is that long term pressure on the Chinese nation from hostile force abroad also made it important for the Chinese to realize a democratic system in a short period of time. Without a democratic system it is no way to talk about human right, general election, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, independent law practice, power interact, and surveillance system on pure government perform, etc. and all these human right and ruled-by-law accepted and enjoyed generally in western countries cannot be realized in a short period of time in China.

Since China communist party came into power, natural disasters and man-made disasters occur continuously and political movements initiated one after another, all these combined to make the people suffer bitterly under the dictatorial rule, no law to protect or secure human right. So if the Chinese people want to realize democracy they must terminate one party dictatorship first, and then set up a democratic system to restrain the ruler, so that China can really become a people’s country.

Ci, Yongtao

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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