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Ma, Zhen: Anti-terrorism Must Anti-autarchy Simult
Date: 12/18/2006 5:15:09 PM Sender: Ma, Zhen

                                    Ma, Zhen: Anti-terrorism Must Anti-autarchy Simultaneously

Democratic countries should recognize the essence of China communist regime, form democratic camps in scope of the world, and oppose trends of China communist’s anti-democracy. At present, the world democracy is threatened by international terrorism and confronted with tasks of anti international terrorism. Totalitarianism is the breeding ground of terrorism, so it should be eradicated from the root in order to eliminate threats of international terrorism to human civilization. Totalitarianism despises general view of value agreed by people, they are easy to federate considering interests, combine resources and together oppose trends of world democracy. Conversely looking at democratic countries, it is difficult to form coordinate wills and actions due to the restriction of public opinions and the impediment of interest groups.

We should clear-headedly recognize that the national terrorism of China communist is the biggest threat to the world peace and anti-terrorism must anti-autarchy simultaneously. In order to eliminate terrorism from the root and eliminate threats to the world peace, the exclusive way is to accelerate achieving Chinese democratization and democratic transformation of other autarchic countries.

Ma, Zhen
Dec. 12, 2006

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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