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The Most Shameless Political Circle
Date: 3/13/2006 4:40:40 PM Sender: Lianjun Hou

                                           By Lianjun Hou 6/8/05

                       The Most Shameless Political Circle

      Maoist is one of the most absurd doctrines in the history, and Chinese Communist Party is the most shameless political circle in the world. Ironically, the Chinese Communist Party government bills itself as the savor of the common people.
      The Chinese Communist Party government was very capable to cultivate popularity. Every time when it was on the brink of losing its grip of power, the government would try to win back the public by expressing regrets about its previous wrongdoings as well as drumming up nationalistic feelings. Dating back to the very beginning of its ruling more than fifty years ago, the Communist government carried out a number of political campaigns to purge opponents and dissidents, including the Anti-rightist Campaign and the Cultural Revolution. Following each of those campaigns, the government, weeping crocodile tears, would “redress” and wait to launch a new round of campaigns of political persecution. Ironically, a lot of people including many of the victims in these political campaigns fell under the control of the Communist government’s stick and carrot approach.

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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