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In Memorial to Mr. Zhao Ziyang
Date: 3/13/2006 4:25:31 PM Sender: Jin Wang

                                           By Jin Wang 1/22/05

                          In Memorial to Mr. Zhao Ziyang

       I was deeply grieved at the news that Mr. Zhao Ziyang passed away. As a statesman, Mr. Zhao played a key role in pushing forward political and economic reforms in China, sparing no efforts to work for the betterments of the common people and the prosperity of the country. However, he lived the last sixteen years of his life under house arrest. Mr. Zhao was put under house arrest because he showed his sympathy for the protesting students during the 1989 Tiananmen Square democratic movement. Out of tune with those dictators, Mr. Zhao was removed from his job. His ideas about the reforms were left in limbo. Now Mr. Zhao Ziyang left us behind. But we will remember for ever his contributions to the democratization process in China.  

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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