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Duan,Wenzhe:Separation of powers is the democratic system
Date: 11/11/2023 3:35:22 PM Sender: Duan,Wenzhe
Duan,Wenzhe:Separation of powers is the democratic system
Western democratic countries generally implement the separation of powers system, where the executive, legislative and judicial powers are exercised by three departments respectively, and they supervise and check each other. No department can be arbitrary and can override the other two departments.
The implementation of any major policy requires the joint consultation of various departments.
The biggest function of such a political system is to prevent the emergence of dictatorial figures and reduce policy mistakes.
For example: Although the US president has great power, his legislative proposals and major personnel appointments must be approved by Congress, and his executive orders can also be rejected by federal judges at all levels.
Of course, the democratic system also has its shortcomings, such as: mutual restraint, which will reduce efficiency. However, the overall rule of law will be implemented and human rights will be protected.
In contrast, in mainland China, the so-called democratic centralism is actually dominated by the top leader of the Communist Party of China. Even if no one knows that the leader's instructions are wrong, no one dares to object, so it has caused endless disasters to the country. The political persecution movement of the Cultural Revolution launched by the CCP is the best proof.
Now, mainland China is starting a new deification movement, and China is about to enter a dark age of dictatorship.
I hope that China can also establish a democratic system with separation of powers.
November 11, 2023

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