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Wang,Yini :The early emergence of democracy
Date: 9/9/2018 7:57:00 PM Sender: Wang,Yini
Wang,Yini :The early emergence of democracy
Democracy emerged with the emergence of the country. Like many political phenomena, it also has a process of development and change.
The Athenians in ancient Greece coined the term democracy (democracy or demokratia).
The word comes from a combination of the Greek demos (people) and the Greek kratos (rule).
The original meaning of the word "democracy" combined is "people's power", which means that the people rule and govern the country directly or through regionally elected representatives.
It can be seen that the word democracy has been linked to politics since its inception.
Of the Greek democracies, the Athenian democracy was the most beloved and the most famous known to people at that time and to this day.
It had an unparalleled impact on political philosophy.
In its subsequent historical development, it is often regarded as the earliest example of citizen participation in politics, or as some call it, participatory democracy.
The Athenian government was complex. At the core of this government was an institution called the assembly, in which all citizens had the right to participate.
The citizens' assembly elects an important official, and all citizens who meet the qualifications for election have equal opportunities to be elected.
Although some Greek city-states participated in the formation of less developed representative governments for the purpose of alliances, alliances, and confederations (mainly for common defense), little is known about these representative systems.
They actually left no trace on the idea and practice of democracy, and, to be precise, they left no trace on subsequent representative democracy.
therefore. The Greek democratic political system, although innovative for their time, was completely abandoned in the development of modern representative democracy.
People now demand democracy, a democratic system with human rights implications.
September 9, 2018

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