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Wang,Yini :Chinese people talk about democracy (1)
Date: 7/27/2018 1:50:53 PM Sender: Wang,Yini
Wang,Yini :Chinese people talk about democracy (1)
It is very interesting for people in China to talk about democracy. I would like to share a few paragraphs with you.
I recently had dinner with a friend and talked about the international situation. He said that if China adopted "one person, one vote", there would be chaos and that democracy is not a good thing.
Suddenly I remembered that I interviewed a girl who had returned from studying in Thailand the year before last. When asked about the situation in Thailand, she said it was a bit chaotic.
Let me ask again, which one would you choose, a less chaotic democracy or a stable autocracy? She bit her lip and thought deeply. Seeing my expressionless face, she was noncommittal, and finally chose to tell the truth: democracy is better.
Mr. Yu Keping said that "democracy is a good thing." Among the core socialist values announced by the People's Daily in early 2014, democracy ranked second after wealth and power. The signal revealed actually combined anti-democracy, anti-constitutionalism, and anti-universalism. The countercurrent of value is denied.
However, there are different opinions on what democracy is, and academic circles like to constantly introduce new definitions and try to give new interpretations. In fact, democracy is a way of life.
Since my child is 3 years old, the whole family will discuss where they choose to play on weekends. If they have different opinions, they will vote by a show of hands. Now, it has become a habit.
There are also side effects, that is, whenever I order my child, he will say loudly, "Why are you ordering me? Can't you just say it nicely?" This is democracy.
Democracy needs to be started from childhood, so that children have the courage to express their opinions and know how to compromise and tolerate when they have different choices with those around them.
Do you understand?
July 27, 2018

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