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Wang, Ting : Why does the CCP talk about politics
Date: 12/2/2019 3:53:42 PM Sender: Wang, Ting
Wang, Ting : Why does the CCP talk about politics
王婷(Wang, Ting)
Recently, the CCP has repeatedly emphasized the need to talk about politics, pointing out that some CCP members and cadres are not politically aware, have low political acumen, and are not good at observing and handling problems politically.
They do not pay attention to political requirements, political rules, and political discipline, and do not care about the political harm of various issues.
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China requires that to talk about politics, it must be transformed from external requirements to internal initiative.
During the eras of former CCP presidents Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, the authorities' propaganda focused on gradually downplaying the prominent political line of former CCP chairman Mao Zedong's brutal era, emphasizing economic reform and opening to the outside world, enhancing national strength and improving people's livelihood, thereby consolidating the ruling position of the CCP .
However, the current CCP leaders have gradually abandoned the tradition of their predecessors in promoting economic construction in full force, and have returned to an era of brutality that highlighted politics.
This politically prominent way of governing the country, on the surface, seems to have achieved the strengthening of the regime, but the voice of the people will break out sooner or later.
With the popularization of the Internet, the CCP can no longer resist the spread of democratic and free ideas in China. The more the authorities want to suppress and attack, the stronger the people’s backlash and the stronger the people’s desire to pursue freedom.
Wang, Ting
December 2, 2019

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