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Wu, Biqiong: Chinese Communist leaders want to extend their terms of office
Date: 9/2/2016 1:46:46 PM Sender: Wu, Biqiong
Wu, Biqiong: Chinese Communist leaders want to extend their terms of office

吴碧琼(Wu, Biqiong)
After the incumbent leader took office, he was highly centralized. He took office concurrently with all the highest posts and never dominated the party, government, and military power even before Mao, Zedong and Deng, Xiaoping, the former Red Emperor.
And even spread that he would remain in office after the two-term presidency of the country's president, imitating Mao, Zedong and Deng, Xiaoping and staying in power all the way to death.
Although the Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party stipulates that the presidency of the country can only be re-elected once and the two former presidents, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, leave their posts after the expiry of their terms of office, a consensus and practice has been formed.
But the party constitution does not stipulate that the general secretary can only be re-elected once, and the current head of the Chinese Communist Party can become the de facto lifelong dictator after the expiration of the president of the country and in the seat of the general secretary with the greatest power.
Before the end of the autocratic country, there was often a period of unprecedented concentration of power, which would soon fall apart. For example, the former Soviet Union, the last strong figure Brezhnev, is such an example, vigorously pursued personal power after taking office, but the Soviet Union also quickly embarked on the decline of the fall of the road. The incumbent leader of the Chinese Communist Party can never step down, but it can not stop China from realizing democracy and the people are free.

Wu, Biqiong
September 2, 2016

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