Zhou, Wangbao: jasmine bound flying over China
Date: 3/3/2011 3:24:56 PM
Sender: Zhou, Wangbao
Zhou, Wangbao: jasmine bound flying over China
周望宝(Zhou, Wangbao)
Domino effect of Tunisia and Egypt, North Africa, jasmine revolution brought a world expected fall. Also a testament to our people used to say: "unexpected, makes sense." Currently, the Jasmine Revolution turbulent countries have a common characteristic, they are not a poor country. Why fight the current government's behavior occurs in these conditions are good for the country?
Poor countries do not represent the people on the wealthy, Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, rich in natural resources, per capita income reached a moderate level. However, natural resources, social wealth by a handful of people possess and dominate. Tunisian revolution was the cause of this country does not have a liberal employment environment. Although not much of the Middle East, the cradle of ancient civilization, but its political culture also has a long history, monarchy, was colonized, totalitarian rule. Today, people are still struggling to live under unbearable circumstances, Jasmine Revolution broke out.
The current China is also facing pressure on employment, China's social system corruption, tyranny, judicial injustice, corrupt officials. In the land of China under Chinese rule, the people's desire for democratic change, this appeal is like jasmine seeds, spring is coming, jasmine bloom in China is bound to the north and south.
Zhou, Wangbao
March 3, 2011
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