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Welcome Zhou, Zhaowen to join China Democracy Party
Date: 6/16/2011 8:16:13 AM Sender: CDP
                                     Welcome Zhou, Zhaowen to join China Democracy Party

On May 24, 2011, Mr. Wang, Jun, China Democracy Party Chairman received a mail from Zhou, Zhaowen (pseudonym), whose place of birth is Shandong, China. He expressed in his mail that he wants to join China Democracy Party. He stated in his mail that (I) was lured by CCP when I was in Junior High and joined Communist Youth League in 1986, and I didn’t transfer this relationship when I went in senior high and therefore was released from Communist Youth League for good; while I was at college and work, I kept my beliefs and refused to join Chinese Communist Party. I believe China will become democratic one day.

Zhou, Zhaowen (pseudonym) seriously stated in his mail that: (I) look forward to freedom and democracy and now am applying to join China Democracy Party to fight for the course of democracy. Please approve my application.

China Democracy Party Department of Organization approved Zhou, Zhaowen’s (pseudonym) application to join China Democracy Party.

The approval date is June 16, 2011.

China Democracy Party Department of Organization congratulates Zhou, Zhaowen (pseudonym)’s becoming a member of China Democracy Party; wishes new member Zhou, Zhaowen (pseudonym) carry out his oath and fight to establish a democratic and free China with human rights and constitutionality.

China Democracy Party Department of Organization
June 16, 2011

Zhou, Zhaowen (pseudonym)’s letter:

Dear Chairman Wang, Jun:
How are you!

First of all, I want to pay tribute to you!

My name is Zhou, Zhaowen (pseudonym) and I am applying to join China Democracy Party to contribute for the course of democracy for China.

Below is my basic situation: male, Shandong, was born in 1973 and I hold a Doctoral degree. I have been working in Jiangsu since 2008. I was lured by CCP when I was in Junior High and joined Communist Youth League in 1986, and I didn’t transfer this relationship when I went in senior high and therefore was released from Communist Youth League for good; while I was at college and work, I kept my beliefs and refused to join Chinese Communist Party. I believe China will become democratic one day. I look forward to freedom and democracy and now am applying to join China Democracy Party to fight for the course of democracy. Please approve my application.

Because of the current situation of China, I can only participate under pseudonym. Please do not disclose my detailed information. My pseudonym if Zhou, Zhaowen.


Zhou, Zhaowen
May 24, 2011

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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