Wei,Zhaosheng: CCP can’t harbor corrupt officials
Date: 12/9/2010 1:55:33 PM
Sender: Wei,Zhaosheng
Wei,Zhaosheng: CCP can’t harbor corrupt officials
To harbor corrupt officials and evade sanction of law, CCP created “disciplinary action within the Party” like “double regulation” that is unrestricted by law. If officials have corruption problems, CCP use “disciplinary action within the party” to handle problems, this is covert way to evade law. Such method shields corrupt officials and prevent corrupt officials from sanctions of law.
Because discipline in CCP surpasses law, punishment of corrupt officials doesn’t obtain evidence according to legal procedures, but rely on discipline. Such anti-corruption actions are typical rule of men.
Corruption in China harms interests of the nation and common people, CCP has to realize the importance of judicial independence, and make sure all people are equal before the law, from officials to common people should be punished with legal means if they corrupt. Open freedom of press to expose corrupt officials. Only through these ways can truly restrict official corruption.
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