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Jin Wang: Poverty Spirit-----Chinese Education has
Date: 3/1/2005 9:00:22 AM Sender: CDP
Jin Wang: Poverty Spirit-----Chinese Education has Suffered Crisis

It is said that it takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to rear people. Education should be paid closer attention to by any country. Educational ignorance has brought the quality reduction of a country and lower moral standards. After the open-up and reform, Chinese economy has fairly development, but it has seriously neglected the cultivation of next generation, especially on the spirit.

The education under CCP system, the credo of Mao, Zedong’s time is that we would rather choose the grass of socialism than the bud of capitalism. We have been instilled the so called CCP ideal, but neglected the cultural quality-oriented education. The previous generation drank “Wolf Milk” to grow up. With the development of open-up and reform, the economy rules have replaced the all the principles. In current Chinese education, compared that time, it had a big U-turn. The educational problems have shown the poverty spirit: lack of advanced educational theory, of independent educational thoughts, covering many creative elites, and of mainstay and educational spirits. What in addition, they have lacked the responsibility sprit to students and what they have had are the flattery and pleasing. What they have cultivated is no personality, no renovation, no moral, no healthy psychic and even no humanity people. In the mean while, many educational workers have used the supremacy, maintained teachers’ dignity, eradicated “side heterodoxy” thoughts. In China, we do rarely have true academic criticism.

The saint task of education is to cultivate next generation. The blackboard in this class has written sacrifice and erased the power. Chinese education has suffered crisis and the premier problem has made the depravation of whole society. Depravation and realism have ruined Chinese education.

Jin Wang
March 1, 2005

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