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日期: 6/18/2011 12:11:21 PM 发表人: 中国民主党


           Video:22nd Commemoration of June 4th Massacre held in Boston






    各位朋友, 我们再一次聚首一堂, 纪念二十二年前那个黑暗的时刻。
    有人说中国人善忘: 共产党专政以来, 无数知识分子被斗争, 被折磨。 浪费青春, 妻离子散, 甚至丧失生命。反右, 大跃进,文革, 每次运动结束,人们都重新投入生活,又再盲从领导的指挥, 不去深究社会问题的根源,如今众多知识分子仍然趋炎附势, 吹捧权贵,纵容共产党继续转正,这样中国法制会进步么?
    所以四川地震之后,学生父母无法求取公道, 追究豆腐渣工程责任。政府没有任何帮助,反而逼害囚禁。只因他们的诉求与权贵集团利益不一致!

                      Commemorating the 22nd Anniversary of the June 4 Democracy Movement

We gather here again to commemorate the messacre twenty-two years ago.

Some claim that Chinese prople are forgetful, forgetful of how the china communist party has a long history of pressing intellectuals. In the various political movements including the Anti-Rightnist Campaign, the Great Leap Forward, and the Cultural Revolution, intellectuals were tortured, their youths withered, and their families scattered. Many even lost their lives.After each such movement, however, the Chinese people would revert to their faily routines,contentto sunmit the CCP regime without reflecting on the gist of society problems. Nowadays,many intelltuals continue to pander the CCP, to condone and even to legitimize the CCP. If suchbehavior does not change, will the rual of law ever prevail in china?

Three years of famine caused the lives of millions of Chinese. Such were the atrocities of the ruling Communist Party! The Chinese people shuffled the pain and horror under the rug,choosing to continue to support a regime that is contemputuous of lives. If such behavior does not change, will human rights ever improve in china?

The peaceful demonstration in 1989 was brutally suppressed. The CCP refused to acknowledge
it has massacred its students, works, and people. “Tiananmen Mothers,”a grass-root group
formed by parents of vixtims, collected closed to 200 names of massacred citizens, Not only was such just action not properly recognized by the CCP, it put these parents under surveillanceand house arrest. Making the truth is its goal: obscuring ehat happened has become the means to maintaining the privileges of a few.

That was the reasons student buried collapsed buildings in Sichuang earthquake died unjust deaths. Their parents were unable to seek out those accoutable for the constraction of the shoddy school buildings, not only was such just action unsupportable by the CCP, it imprisoned and harassed these parents. There was only one reason: their quest conflicyed with the interests of the privileged few.

That was the reason infants poisoned by the tainted Sanlu milk bore unjust sufferings. Their parenta were unable to sek out those unaccountable for the production of corrupted milk.Not only was such just action unsupported by the CCP, it imprisoned and harassed these parents.there was only one reason: their quest conflited with the interests of the privileged few.

Simply because their quest conflited with the interests of the privileged few, Liu,xiaobo must go to jail, Ai,Weiwei must disappear, and the Jasmine Flower must be oppressed.

The CCP succeed in fooling the chinese people: a strong china necessitates the sacrice of liberty ans huaman rights. Gone id freedom speech. Gone is the right to monitor the government. Gone is our sence of justice. What remain is the interests of the privileged few.

China is facing serious challenges with possibly dire consequence: excessive income and wealth inequality, rempant collusion between government officials and businesses, and fast diminishing moral standards, if the CCP dose not rectify its mistakes, china can never be a ture global power.If the chinesepeople do not look at reality squarely and honestly, the privieged few will remain privileged.

In this centry year of Xinhai revolution, we must reflect on the progress and setback the chinese people experirnce during its pursuit of liberty, unalienable rights, rule of law and democracy. As we pay tribute to the lost of the Tiananmen Messacre, are we learning from hisyory’s leasons?

Each of us may be limited individual. But together we pledge that the world will never forget about you, you who paid so clearly for the democracy movement 22years ago. Dear friends, if the Tiananmen Masscre is not vindicated, we will see you again next year!



























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中国民主党       主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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 Website:                    http://www.cdpwu.org                                 http://www.cdpwu.org/en
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