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日期: 9/24/2010 3:22:28 PM 发表人: 中国民主党


                Vedeo:Rally Eliminate CCP’s one-party dictatorship!

                                   Establish a democratic China!


Picture 1: Rally “Eliminate CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!” before Chinese Consulate General in New York

              Rally “Eliminate CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!”
——Tell Wen, Jiabao who is attending United Nations conference: Chinese people need democracy!

At 11:30am on September 21, 2010, over a hundred China Democracy Party members went before Chinese Consulate General in New York to hold a rally, telling Prime Minister of China Wen, Jiabao who is attending United Nations conference: Chinese people need democracy! China Democracy Party wants to eliminate CCP’s one-party dictatorship in China! Establish a democratic China! Chairman of China Democracy Party and publisher of “China Democracy Journal” Mr. Jun Wang attended today’s rally and made a speech on the rally.Many China Democracy Party members made speeches in the rally. Representative from Chinese Victims League Mrs. Ge, Lifang attended the rally and delivered a speech.

CCP’s one-party dictatorship leads to the inequality in Chinese society, the corruption of government officials and the instability of the society.The whole Chinese society is full of lies and violence. Government officials plot against each other, violate laws and corrupt to reach their own interests. All these have become opened secrets among CCP authorities and are normally seen socials phenomena around China. When constitution and autocratic power get together, constitution has become an attached property without fairness and equality.In a Chinese society under CCP’s one-party dictatorship, the contents of media reports have discounted truth. Rumors appear everywhere in the society with lies. People never trust each other and have doubts on others. Chinese society becomes a society full of lies and violence.

Picture 2: Chairman of China Democracy Party and publisher of China Democracy Journal Mr.Jun Wang attended rally “Eliminated CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!”

Picture 3: Chairman of China Democracy Party and publisher of China Democracy Journal Mr.Jun Wang made a speech in rally “Eliminated CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!”

Picture 4: Chairman of China Democracy Party and publisher of China Democracy Journal Mr.Jun Wang led members to shout out slogans in rally “Eliminated CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!” before Chinese Consulate general in New York

Picture 5:China Democracy Party members in rally “Eliminated CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!” before Chinese Consulate general in New York

Picture 6: Some volunteers from “China Democracy Journal” editor office attended rally “Eliminated CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!” before Chinese Consulate general in New York

Picture 7: Representatives from Chinese Victims League displayed pictures of victims of CCP government’s persecution in rally “Eliminated CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!”before Chinese Consulate general in New York

Chairman of China Democracy Party and publisher of “China Democracy Journal” Mr.Jun Wang said on the rally, in today’s Chinese society, the universal values such as “freedom, equality, democracy and legislation” have already been accepted by all. Fully implementing all these values has become the social targets of China. China should step towards a society of freedom, equality, democracy and legislation. CCP government doesn’t dare to oppose these values openly now. In recent years, were should China go is no longer a question of dispute. The social goal of the development of Chinese society is to establish a multi-party ruled democratic political system. This goal is definitely clear. The key is how to realize this goal.

Mr. Jun Wang said that today’s CCP must implement democracy and open up its mind. Therefore, this party can finally starts its civilization and become a welcomed party on China. Chinese people don't want to see CCP’s stubborn mind going against the historical trend. It should allow opposite party to step onto political stage in China. China can get the bless of democracy, freedom, human rights and legislation. A new China with democracy and freedom will appear.

Before Chinese Consulate General in New York, chairman of China Democracy Party and publisher of China Democracy World Journal Mr.Jun Wang led members attending rally shout out slogans “tell Wen, Jiabao: Chinese People need democracy!” “Stop persecuting China Democracy Party members” “Stop persecuting Falun” “Eliminate CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!”

Picture 8: representative from Chinese Victims League Mrs, Ge, Lifang made a speech in rally “Eliminate CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!” before Chinese Consulate General.

Picture 9: Some members of China Democracy Party in rally “Eliminate CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!” before Chinese Consulate General

Picture 10: Some members of China Democracy Party in rally “Eliminate CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!” before Chinese Consulate General

Picture 11: Member of China Democracy Party made speech in rally “Eliminate CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!” before Chinese Consulate General

Picture 12: Some members of China Democracy Party held a slogan “Tell Wen, Jiabao:” Chinese people need democracy!” in rally “Eliminate CCP’s one-party dictatorship! Establish a democratic China!” before Chinese Consulate General

“China Democracy Journal”
China Democracy Party
September 21, 2010



















【 字体:

中国民主党       主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
地  址:            41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
 Website:                    http://www.cdpwu.org                                 http://www.cdpwu.org/en
 Tel: E-mail: cdpwu1998@gmail.com  cdpwu@yahoo.com(yahoo邮箱密码被盗请勿使用)