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日期: 5/26/2009 12:07:53 PM 发表人: 中国民主党

   Video: Rally of “Strongly Demands the Immediate Release of Member of CDP Gengsong Lv


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Picture 1: Rally of “Strongly Demands the Immediate Release of Member of CDP Gengsong Lv” in front of Chinese Embassy of New York----“Publicity Year of Rescuing Those who Suffered Political Persecution ” Series of No.11

At 11:00 am of May 26, 2009, the headquarters of CDP organized hundreds of members of CDP to rally in front of the Chinese Embassy of New York to launch “Publicity Year of Rescuing Those who Suffered Political Persecution ” Series of No.11. The rally “strongly protests against CCP’s persecution to Gengsong Lv, member of CDP”, and strongly demands the immediate release of Gengsong Lv.” Jun Wang, the chairman of CDP and CDPWU and the proprietor of CDJ participated in today’s rally and also address a speech.
Gengsong Lv, a member of CDP, and also a notable dissident writer, comes from Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. He graduated from the department of history in Hangzhou University (now is Zhejiang University) in 1983. He once instructed in Zhejiang Public Security College and, due to the Pro-democracy movement, he was expelled by the Chinese authorities in 1993. He wrote 《History of CPC Corrupt Officials》, 《Build up Citizen’s Impeachment system》,《Build up Jointly and severally liable for the criminal system》, 《Bribe Officer, Cheat Officer and Officer Kill Officer》, 《Discuss the Social Society of Underworld Groups of Contemporary China 》,《Major Types of Underworld Groups of Contemporary China》and etc. On August 24, 2007, He was detained on “the crime of inciting subversion of state power” and “The crime of illegal possession of state secrets”, and was formally arrested. On February 5, 2008, he was sentenced to the prison for four years because of the so called “the crime of inciting subversion of state power”.                                                                                                                                

Picture 2, 3: Jun Wang, the chairman of CDP and CDPWU and the proprietor of CDJ participated and addressed a speech concerning “Strongly Demands the Immediate Release of Member of CDP Gengsong Lv” in today’s rally.

Mr. Jun Wang said the proposal CCP government proposed is only an imitation. They take advantage of the unwarranted accusation to arrest, jail and persecute members of CDP and deter human rights. Chinese society won’t be stable, will it? That they take advantage of “the crime of inciting subversion of state power” to arrest and jail member of CDP Gengsong Lv has severely violated citizen’s human rights. If CCP’s one-party authoritarian system doesn’t change, Gengsong Lv’s event will frequently happen. CDP call on all the Chinese people to stand out and to struggle for human rights and freedom. As long as Chinese people have firm will, multi-party governance of the democratic freedom and affluence will be sure to come into existence.
A couple of members of CDP made a speech in the rally. They criticized Chinese authorities to persecute member of CDP, Gengsong Lv and appealed for the immediate release of him.

Picture 4: Jun Wang, the chairman of CDP and CDPWU and the proprietor of CDJ Lead the rally of appealed for the immediate release of CDP’s member Gengsong Lv

Picture 5:Member of CDP made a speech in the rally of “Strong Appeal for the immediate Release of CDP’s Member Gengsong Lv”

Picture 6: Part of CDP’s Member in the Rally of “Strong Appeal for the immediate Release of CDP’s Member Gengsong Lv”.

China Democracy Party
China Democracy Party World Union
《China Democracy Journal》
May 26, 2009





中国民主党人、著名异议作家吕耿松,浙江省杭州市人,1983 年毕业于杭州大学(现为浙江大学)历史系,曾在浙江高等公安专科学校任教,因从事民运在1993年被中共当局开除;撰有《中共贪官污吏》、《建立公民弹劾制度》、《建立刑事连带责任制度》、《买官、骗官与官杀官》、《论当代中国黑社会的社会基础》以及《当代中国黑社会的主要类型》等论著。在2007年8月24日被中共当局以“煽动颠覆国家政权罪”和“非法持有国家机密罪”拘留,之后被正式逮捕。在2008年2月5日被当局以所谓“煽动颠覆国家政权罪”被判有期徒刑四年。



中国民主党、中国民主党世界同盟主席、《中国民主报》社社长王军在集会上指出,中共当局道德沦丧,以所谓 “涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权”罪栽赃吕耿松先生, “煽动颠覆国家政权罪”就是过去臭名昭著的“反革命罪”的翻版。中共当局从来不与广大人民讲道理,肆意抓捕是他们镇压中国人民的惯用手段。中共当局不顾人民的反对,不顾人民的呼声,只按自己的意志在中国社会倒行逆施,将中国民主党人、著名异议作家吕耿松无辜关押达两年之久。





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中国民主党       主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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 Website:                    http://www.cdpwu.org                                 http://www.cdpwu.org/en
 Tel: E-mail: cdpwu1998@gmail.com  cdpwu@yahoo.com(yahoo邮箱密码被盗请勿使用)