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Jun Wang: The Chinese Communist Dictatorship Make
Date: 10/16/2008 3:06:44 PM Sender: CDP
Jun Wang, Chairman of CDPWU and Proprietor of China Democracy Journal, Addresses on Meeting

Jun Wang: The Chinese Communist Dictatorship Make Chinese Distortion of Soul

By Oct. 7 (Bloomberg Zhong Tao reporter, correspondent Zhu Jiaqi, He Xiuli Flushing, New York reported) on September 27 in the "explore the Flushing Chinese accomplice of the nature of violence," seminar, aimed at the Chinese how to In Flushing, violence will violent ruling from the overseas Chinese exports to the mainland, "Chinese democracy" Jun Wang, president, he talked about in two ways. Jun Wang said that the long-term overseas Chinese to spend a lot of manpower and resources to set up the media and pro-communist organizations, the other from mainland China who have been long-term threats of violence, distorted mind, it is easy to control by Communist China to become an accomplice.
The following is Jun Wang’s Speech:
In Flushing, CCP’s accomplice attack Falun Gong, this phenomenon shows that CCP’s violent regime’s extend, violence export, animosity export. It is not only Flushing problem, nor attacking Fulun Gong members’ problem. This is CCP violence regime basic embodiment.
CCP deals in its underground organization for long time overseas.
Why can CCP make its violence extend to overseas areas? There are most important reasons: one, CCP spends more energy and properties and material resources, and deploy many CCP’s persons and organization, including building up its TV media and newspaper media. CCP’s TV surely belongs to CCP and broadcast for CCP. Such as Qiaobao. Of course, it buys over other newspapers. Therefore, things on this newspaper have not been the real fair-and-square news media problem. It serves for CCP and services for autocracy.
On the other side, like countrymen organization, stimulated organization. They are all controlled by CCP, including students’ organization in Universities are also controlled by CCP. At the key moment, CCP give it order and all of these so-called organizations and media and staff will obey CCP’s orders to make violence extend and violence practice.
CCP’s Violence Make Chinese Hearts Contorted
The second side, because of CCP’s long-term violence authority, long-term violence propagandize and long-term violence threat, Chinese people live in social political environment contorted by violence, therefore, this makes Chinese people’s hearts contorted. This causes Chinese people are still in threat even they live overseas. This makes many Chinese be into error and make unreasoning movements to follow CCP violent regime.
Several days ago, one person came to my office. He wanted to join our CDP. But his words is changing and he said, I don’t like Falun Gong. I asked him why you don’t like Falun Gong? Falun Gong’s talk reasonably and kindly. He showed a reason. He said when he was walking on the road, he was forced t accepted newspaper. I don’t want to accept. He gave me. Then I said you can refuse. He gave you and put it in front of you, which mean he was passionate. His service is warm-hearted. But you can accept or you can refuse.
And then he talked about the rally of quitting from CCP on May 17. The flyer in that newspaper close to CCP said Falun Gong never donated money and oppose China. I told him that how much you know about Falun Gong? Falun Gong friends donate in silence. But he did not give money to CCP. They donate money through fund organization. And CDP and CDP members also donate money. I said I went to China Consulate in NY to donate. But CCP autocratic system has no human character. It does not accept opposite-organization. How can you say that CDP does not donate?
And then he said a blackguard word: I will beat Falun Gong dead. Then I said Sir, you are in my office, in America this democratic and free country. Who will you want to kill? I said I don’t think you dare to do that. He said if Falun Gong is in my home, I dare to kill them. But why Falun Gong is in your family? Where is your family? After I heard his words, I feel very sad! Human beings develop today. It is a very civilization society. But these Chinese from CCP regime and their hearts are contorted. Their hearts are full with animosity. They just want to kill somebody when they talk about something.
Flushing violence behavior is exactly contorted behavior under CCP regime authority. This is a disaster that CCP violence authority brought to Chinese people……This disaster is in China, in world and on Chinese people, especially on Chinese people who have no right attitude.
These attacks on Falun Gong practitioners and accomplices of the Communist Party organizations, are low-down action, indecent language, vicious expression, do not see that he is in democracy and freedom of human rights inside the country, that the basic philosophy of life is no moral, and this China is our tragedy, the tragedy is under the rule of the Communist Party of China, under the control of violence.
Violence is the true nature of the CCP
From the ruling Communist Party before the fighting that, "Tu Hao played at the fields," the robbed from the rich to the wealth of their own, along with those running the poor, to kill the rich, he did not think these people do not Can be killed, why? Because it is fooling bandits, the Communist Party on the use of such stupefying bandits to kill. In the ruling, because it is the violence of the Communist Party to seize land, it is the nature of the violence, take away the regime after it advocated violence, like the Cultural Revolution, the killing is a good man, educated, knowledgeable, conscientious .
And now, the Communist Party of the Economic and Social arrested, or killed with a conscience, for example, I would say the Communist Party claims to be fighting corruption, you have not heard of the CCP Central Committee and those arrested on corruption billion people, tens of millions of party members and rich? There has not been arrested? No! The so-called Communist Party to fight corruption is still engage in the fight, kill or arrest people, a relative of corruption, do not have a grasp of the Communist Party, including former Premier Li Peng.
Li did not say that we are strong, there is no real ability, it is more stupid, but this way, his descendants are thousands of millions of assets, where will it? Chinese people used to come over power, which too many have not arrested? No! However, within China, the Communist Party of the current dissatisfaction, with a high power, very sinister, with the Communist Party to fight corruption in the way he captured and let him go to prison, which highlights the true nature of the ruling Communist Party of violence.
That is why this seminar can’t be a single view of the Communist Party of attack Falun Gong is violence, is the true character of the Communist Party, to determine the character of the violence, not only for Falun Gong, the pro-democracy movement, he's all peace-loving countries and people It's all there is violence, including our Chinese people.
How to do? Very simple, it is necessary to expose a large area of China's violent character, so that people understand the Chinese characteristics, that is, violence, so that people understand: This is not only violence against the Chinese people is not good, not the peace of mankind throughout the world, to expose It let edition of the Communist Party.
These so-called government officials have to understand that at any time against the tyranny of your own interests, including your life, it is necessary to abandon it; also to the entire Chinese people to understand: What is democracy, what is freedom, what is meant by human-rights. China's knocked down only one-party dictatorship, the establishment of a democratic China, the media and opening up, people have freedom, freedom of belief only.



 【大纪元10月7日讯】(大纪元记者钟涛、 通讯员祝家琦、何秀丽纽约法拉盛报道)在9月27日举行的《探讨法拉盛中共帮凶的暴力本质》研讨会上,针对中共如何能在法拉盛制造暴力事件,将暴力执政从中国大陆输出海外,《中国民主报》社长王军从两方面谈了他的看法。王军表示,中共长期在海外花费大量人力物力建立了媒体和亲共组织,另外来自大陆的中国人长期被暴力恐吓,心灵扭曲,很容易被中共操控,成为帮凶。
  (法拉盛的)暴力行为,完全是共产党执政统治下心灵扭曲的表现,也就是共产党暴力统治给中国人带来的一个灾难… 这个灾难是在中国、全世界,在每个中国人身上,尤其在没有是非的中国人身上,我看到了这个现象,我非常寒心。我想中国什么时候能够像民主国家的人民一样,有是非感、有独立思想、有正义感、有公益心、有道德感、有法治感、有人性还有见识国家、见识社会、见识人类的真本事。可是受共产党毒害的人,没有本事、也没有品德,动不动就是打死你、打死你。

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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