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The CDP World Union held the Rally in front of Chi
Date: 12/5/2007 3:16:22 PM Sender: CDP

     The CDP World Union held the Rally in front of China Embassy in New York,

            “Learn from Li, Guohong and Fight for the Human Rights to the End”

                   Photo 1. The China Democracy Party members on the rally of Learning from Li, Guohong and Fighting for the Human Rights to the End

     The CDP World Union held the Rally in front of China Embassy in New York,

            “Learn from Li, Guohong and Fight for the Human Rights to the End”

        ——Fully support and actively participate in the human rights movements in China

On December 4, 2007 at 11:00 am, it was chilly. More than 90 China Democracy Party members went to the front of China Embassy in New York and held the rally of “Learning from Li, Guohong and Fighting for Human Rights to the End!”. The Chairman Wang, Jun made a speech on the rally, emphasizing that it is the important part of democratic movements to support the domestic fighting for human rights. Other CDP members made speech on the rally and they all expressed to learn from Li, Guohong and strongly demanded CCP to immediately release Li, Guohong.
Li, Guohong, the famous human rights fighter, has been imprisoned somewhere in Henan Province. Li, Guohong was born in Henan Province and lived in Chongqing with his family. Li, Guohong was involved in the human rights fighting based on the legal procedures, however, the police department of Zhongyuan Oil field illegally put him in custody for 15 days by accusing him of disturbing the law and order. After serving 15 days in custody, he was then sent tothe Correction Center for one and half year without further hearing and legal procedure. This is an open defy to break their own promise to international society that they would improve the human rights situation before 2008 Olympicgame. This treading of human rights has triggered the anger of international societies. It is a sarcasm to the CCP who claim running the country by the law.Therefore, the China Democracy Party wish all international societies to pay attention to the case of Li, Guohong and give your support to demand CCP to immediately release human rights fighter Li, Guohong.
                   Photo 2 The China Democracy Party members shouting with slogans at the rally of “learning fromLi. Guohong and fighting for human rights to the end”in front of China Embassy in New York.   

In order to realize a society with democracy, freedom and laws, Chinese people not only need to have the belief of the democracy but also need to take an action. It is notorious that CCP is a corrupted autocracy.  Your body and life, your rights and freedom, and your spirit and personality are the recognized human rights for civilized societies. The fighting for human rights in mainland of China has promoted the conversion of current China society into a law-governed one with democracy, freedom and human rights. Therefore, CCP is very afraid of the human rights movements in China and the awareness of human rights by Chinese people. The movement of fighting for human rights has put a seed in China democracy reform against CCP dictatorship. There will be a big harvest as long as we continue to culture it.
The China Democracy Party World Union agreed that the way for China to become the democratic one is a long and wavy one. The perseverance or tenacity, awareness, rationality and responsibility, and faith and optimisms are the characteristics of success. Especially Chinese people must have the courage and faith when facing the autocracy during the democratic movements. China Democracy Party member will be a supporter for the democratic movement in China and will fully participate in that movement.

                 Photo 3: China Democracy Party member made speech on the rally of Learing from Li, Guohong and fighting for human rights to the end.

                 Photo 4: China Democracy Party members on the rally of Learing from Li, Guohong and fighting for human rights to the end.

China Democracy Party World Union
                   Dec 4, 2007

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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