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Wang, Jun:Protest CCP’s Dictatorship, Support Peop
Date: 10/29/2007 7:38:29 AM Sender: Wang, Jun
Wang, Jun:Protest CCP’s Dictatorship, Support People the Burmese People


Wang, Jun:Protest CCP’s Dictatorship, Support People the Burmese People

Author:Wang, Jun

Edited from Beijing Spring No. 11, 2007

The largest peaceful protest parades against military junta since 1988 broke out in Yangon in September 2007. A large group of monks were walking in the front of the over one hundred thousand people procession, who has attracted strong concerns of the international society. Before September 18, 2007, with energy price having risen 500% within one month, all transportation expenses echoed, followed by prices of all the daily necessities. National consumption index rose by 35%, which aroused complaints of the people. People began demonstrations in Yangon from the middle of August 2007, the earliest were three to four hundred people in Yangon. Burmese dictator government arrested 13 people, 7 of whom were student leaders of previous democratic movements. Under this circumstance, people of other social status, including monks, considered that they were obligated to step out and protest for the people. Having failed their request for apology from the military junta, the monks walked out of their temples to act in defiance. They were quickly joined in by large groups of people. Dozens of thousands of monks and dozens of ordinary people formed a hundred thousand flood of parade on the street. Rapidly such an appeal turned out to be an appeal for democracy, and a call for democracy, and even a demand to start a dialogue between dictator government and opposing party, to practice democratic reconciliation, to introduce democratic general election and even to request the dictator government to step down from the rein of the government.

Since September 26, Burmese dictator government has neglected repeated warnings of the international society, taking the extreme measure to suppress this movement, giving orders to the army to open fire to the monks and ordinary people. According to BBC and CNN reports, at least 11 people died on the same day and more than 100 were wounded. In the meanwhile, at least six temples were attacked by the army, about 200 monks arrested. Curfew was ordered in the Capital, Yangon. Two members of the National Democratic Federation led by Aung San Sun Kyi were arrested. Northeast region of Burma witnessed sudden arrests, too. Among the 2000 monks jailed in Sound Mountain Prison, no less than 40 were beaten to death. Leewen, former military intelligence agent officer currently fallowing in Burma-Thailand border revealed to the media, in the northern area of Yangon where he belongs to, at least hundreds of monks were forcibly taken away, “and we are further ordered to kill them and abandon their corpses in the forests.” Leewen said he did not want to commit such evil crimes, so he decided to flee with his son to Thailand. Other groups may have different estimate on the number of casualties. Assisting Association of Political Prisoners (AAPP) in Thailand expressed that at least 1500 were arrested including 85 democratic movement leaders, over 1000 monks and 300 or 400 students and participants. It is estimated by diplomatic personnel, overseas democratic movement groups and traitor intelligence officers that total deaths may reach as high as thousands and many people, after being executed, had their corpses thrown directly into the valley or forests, making it impossible for outsiders to ever calculate clearly the real number of the killed.

Long under the rule of dictator government, Burma had a history of election. Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Sun Kyi was elected with high votes in 1990, but she was illegally vetoed by the dictator government. Corruption in Burma, recent oil price rise, influence of Aung San Sun Kyi and relation between Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Burma are all focus points used by all sides in analyzing this protest parade. China is Burma’s major business partner and investing country. CCP’s investment in Burma’s oil and natural gas and its support to Burmese military government is even more attractive. Among international society’s condemn, CCP “outstandingly” denied the UN Security Council’s plan to impose sanctions on Burma.

China Democracy Party World Union (CDPWU) strongly condemn CCP’s conducts that is against the historical trend. CDPWU thinks it is not coincidental that CCP would perform such conducts. As early as January 12, 2007, CCP joined hands with the Russian semi-dictator Putin in vetoing the US drafted resolution to call on Burma government to release all political prisoners, stop attacking minorities and accelerate democratic reforms. It could be said that such a veto was the cause of this Burmese slaughter. Now CCP avoids its direct respobsibility and further argues: conflicts in Burma are domestic affairs which has not constituted threats to the whole region. The reason why Chinese dictator so strongly supports Burmese dictator is that both of the two political powers are bloody military dictator government, both with evil history of military regulation and slaughter of people. Burmese military government killed over 3000 people in the 1988 bloody suppression. Similarly, CCP in the more bloody “June the 4th 1989” may have killed more people and has not dared to reveal all truth and relevant figures. It is clearly seen CCP dictator government is closely united with Burmese dictator government. CCP’s petroleum investment is such a nasty deal. Now CCP has ruined UN Security Council’s sanction action, sending a bloody signal to international society and domestic China: if democratic movements in China should arise, China’s military dictator will model Deng, Xiao Ping, Li, Peng and Jiang, Ze Min in 1989, and also the Burmese military dictator, to fire the armless civilians and flood the people in the blood of slaughter!It should be sternly realized that Yangon has become outpost of Beijing dictator government’s suppression of democratic movement! Burmese slaughter is CCP’s “victory of the will”. Such is CCP’s self-content thought: rather than slaughter democratic movement in China in the future and have its investment affected, it is more beneficial to support Burmese slaughter, maintaining both stability and image of the Chinese dictator. One stone two birds. “Very smart”. The development of the worsening situation in the past few days demonstrates clearly that the international society can do nothing but to take more bloody measures to suppress demonstrators. How situation here resembles that of China in 1989. History is tragically repeated! Therefore, we hereby strongly condemn the violence of the Burmese dictator government! Strongly condemn the Chinese dictator government and other semi-dictator government for their support to the Burmese dictator government!

CDPWU hereby augustly declare: CCP’s veto by no means represents the Chinese people. The Chinese people are very sympathetic with and supportive to the democratic movement of the Burmese people. We hereby declare once more: Protest CCP’s government, support Burmese people! We are willing to cooperate with all international peace organizations and demonstrate the true will and determination of the Chinese people in protest to CCP dictator political power and support the people of Burma! Victory for democracy! Victory for freedom! Long live democracy! Long live freedom!

Qctober 5,2007

(The author is Chairman of China Democracy Party World Union)


抵制中共獨裁 聲援緬甸人民



     今年9月,緬甸爆發了1988年以來最大規模的反軍政府的和平抗議遊行。在10多萬人的遊行隊伍中,走在前列的大批佛教僧侶引起國際社會強烈關注。 9月18日之前,由於一個月內能源價格上漲了500%,整個交通費用上漲,隨之而來整個日常用品價格也隨之上漲,全面消費指數上漲35%。這激起了民眾的不滿,8月中旬到8月下旬民眾就開始在仰光進行示威,最早三四百人在仰光遊行。緬甸獨裁政權逮捕了13人,其中有7個人是前民主運動的學生領袖。在這樣的情況下其他階層的人,包括僧侶階層覺得自己有責任出來為民眾抗議,代表民眾發聲。僧侶要求軍方道歉未果,就走出寺廟用行動抗爭。很快廣大的民眾加入,幾萬的僧侶和數萬的民眾匯成十萬洪流在街上遊行,很快這樣的訴求就演變成對民主的訴求、對民主的呼喚,甚至於要求獨裁政府和反對黨對話,全國實行民主和解,實行民主大選,甚至要求獨裁政府下臺。


中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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