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Surprising News: Chinese communist special agents attempted to assassinate Chairman Wang, Jun!
Date: 2/2/2012 8:28:55 PM Sender: CDP
Surprising News: Chinese communist special agents attempted to assassinate Chairman Wang, Jun!
------ Chinese communist special agents assaulted the wrong target and China Democracy Party (CDP) Chairman Wang, Jun narrowly escaped the assault.

Nov 22, 2011 about 5:45am in the morning, Chinese communist special agents attempted to assassinate China Democracy Party (CDP) chairman Wang, Jun! The United States police from 911 emergency center rushed to the crime scene. They sent the injured to the hospital and they searched the nearby place and made record of the crime. Police from New York Flushing 109 precinct also made investigation on the crime.

Picture 1: The United States police from 911 emergency center rushed to the crime scene. They sent the injured to the hospital and they searched the nearby place and made record of the crime.

Picture 2: The United States police from 911 emergency center rushed to the crime scene. They sent the injured to the hospital and they searched the nearby place and made record of the crime.

Picture 3: On December 17, 2011, the Chairman of China Democracy Party and the victim Mr. Wang, Xiongfeng (left) in the office of China Democracy Party. (front)

Picture 4: On December 17, 2011, the Chairman of China Democracy Party and the victim Mr. Wang, Xiongfeng (left) in the office of China Democracy Party. (back)

Picture 5: Victim Mr. Wang, Xiongfeng’s head after recovering

China Democracy Party (CDP) chairman Wang, Jun has been threatened with death by Chinese communist special agents for over 100 times before this assassination attempt. Chinese communist special agent used knife, email, phone calls, messages, letters, chrysanthemum which normally used to express the condolence to the dead, damage cars, to set fire on the Newspaper box of China Democracy Journal etc. to death threaten chairman Wang, Jun! (Please refer to China Democracy Party official website for partial report)

The case of Chinese communist special agents assassinating China Democracy Party (CDP) chairman Wang, Jun has now been investigated by the U.S. special investigation department. They have already tracked Chinese communist special agent and special agent group who attempt to assassinate China Democracy Party (CDP) chairman Wang, Jun, and they are waiting for the time to arrest such Chinese communist murder group and bring them to justice.Because Chinese communist special agents have committed many murders in United States, a country with democracy and human rights, it is already the time that U.S. government has to pay attention to and take actions to protect China democratic personage’s safety.

Let’s have a look at such crimes occurred:

1. On July 31, 2006 at 7:42 in the evening (U.S. time), Chinese dissident Zhang, Hongbao was murdered by Chinese communist special agent in Arizona, U.S.

Picture 6: Chinese dissident Zhang, Hongbao’s photo when he was still alive

2. In June 2002 China democratic movement activist Wang, Bingzhang, an important leader in China Democracy Party was trapped out of the U.S. to Vietnam by Chinese communist special agent, and then he was kidnapped by Chinese communist special agents to China and sentenced life in prison!

Picture 7: China democratic movement activist Wang, Bingzhang, an important leader in China Democracy Party

Picture 8: on January 8, 1999, after U.S. Congress Human Rights Hearing, China democratic movement activist came to the front of Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C. to rally. From left: Wang, Xizhe, Wang, Bingzhang, Wang, Jun.

3. Another China democratic movement activist Mr. Peng, Ming went to Burma on May 25, 2004 and he was caught by the Burma police. According to the border cooperation treaty between the governments of China and Burma, Burma police sent Peng, Ming to China on May 28, 2004 and he was sentenced life in prison.

Picture 9: China democratic movement activist Mr. Peng, Ming

Such crimes are still continuing: in the morning of Nov 22, 2011, about 5:45am, chairman Wang, Jun was organizing his China Democracy Party (CDP) members to go to Washington DC, the U.S. political center, for a rally, “Congratulation to Libyan for its ending autocracy and heading democracy and freedom” (please refer to the report posted on China Democracy Party (CDP) official website for this rally, in the hope that Chinese people will, like the Libyans, bravely walk on the street to oppose Chinese communist dictatorial rule and pursue to set up a democratic China.

As the rally was about Libya terminated its autocratic rule, a theme activity that was rarely seen at that time among worldwide China democratic movements, it made Chinese communist government very much uneasy. China Democracy Party (CDP) chairman Wang, Jun wondered why such an encouraging event of Libyan terminated autocracy had caused no response among organizations of China democratic movements and very few rallies on such a theme. It was absolutely not a simple and isolated phenomenon.

Sure enough, a surprising event occurred in the morning of Nov 22, 2011, about 5:45am, when China Democracy Party (CDP) members in the cold morning wind gathered in small groups with banners and loud speakers, video camera case, camera bag, party flags etc, walked toward a 58 seat bus near China Democracy Party (CDP) headquarter office. A Chinese communist special male agent who was about 30 years old with a 1 meter long 2 inches diameter steel tube, sprung forward from end of the line to front, played his assassination plan. The Chinese communist killer used his steel tube and assaulted Mr. Xiong, Liang Feng, and his head was hit and injured with two holes, bleeding terribly to the ground.
It is explained that Mr. Xiong, Liangfeng is a person that looked very much like chairman Wang, Jun. He came to report at China Democracy Party (CDP) head office after 4:00pm on Nov 21, 2011, and he had not yet done with the procedure to join the China Democracy Party (CDP). It was his first time to participate in China Democracy Party (CDP) organized activities, and Chinese communist had no record of his information or his conduct.

China communist’s assassination target was actually China Democracy Party (CDP) chairman Wang, Jun. Their purpose was to stop chairman Wang, Jun organizing his rally “Congratulation to Libyan terminated its autocratic rule and heading for democracy and freedom”.

This male Chinese communist special agent killer was very professional. He hit the ankle of one party member who tried to stop him so hard that the member’s leg was several injured in many places and there were severely bruises left. The killer then fled from the scene toward Flushing Library and disappeared in the morning light. The monitoring camera on nearby street completely recorded this surprising event. Police from 911 emergency center rushed to the scene and an ambulance also arrived timely, sending Mr. Xiong, Liangfeng to hospital for rescue.

It was found out that the killer, who attempted to assassinate chairman Wang,Jun, had never been close to chairman Wang, Jun, or had any personal contact. He acquired Chairman Wang Jun’s image feature, behavior etc, from the photos or net video that Chinese communist special agent provided. The killer had no direct impression or contact with chairman Wang,Jun so he failed the assassination, and chairman Wang, Jun narrowly escaped the disaster.

Picture 10: The former chief correspondent of China Wenhui Daily Tang, Yuhua(left) and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right)

Picture 11: The name card of Tang, Yuhua

It is reported that some Chinese communist special agents or Chinese communist bribed informants who threatened to kill Wang, Jun at several occasions, had often gathered at the Mulan restaurant in Queens Crossing, Flushing New York, discussing how to effectively assassinate chairman Wang, Jun. Tang, Yuhua, arrested by FBI on Nov 21, 2011, (note: the former chief correspondent of China Wenhui Daily in the UN, who was said to be the most important head of Chinese communist state security department to north America), also often came to Mulan Restaurant in Queens Crossing Flushing New York to have dinner with others, and had countless ties with Chinese communist special task organization agents who attempted the assassination on chairman Wang, Jun.

American media’s reports about Tang, Yuhua:
1. Please click world journal electrical newspaper
2. The back of correspondent of China Wenhui Daily Yang, Yuhua case is more complicated
3. YouTube video
4. Report

[b]China Democracy Party
Nov 24, 2011 in New York
Published on            02/ 02 /2012[/b]











1. 2006年7月31日晚7时42分(美国时间),中功创始人、中国异议人士张宏宝在美国亚利桑那州遭中共特务暗杀身亡!


2. 2002年6月,中国民主党重要领导人、中国民运人士王炳章被中共特务设圈套,骗出美国到越南后,被中共特务绑架回中国,被判无期徒刑!


        图8:中国民主人士在1999年1月8日参加美国国会人权报告听证会后,到华盛顿中国驻美国大使馆前举行抗议活动:“强烈要求中共立即释放被抓捕的中国民主党人”! 左起:王希哲、王炳章、王军。

3. 另一位中国民运人士彭明先生,于2004年5月25日进入缅甸,被缅方抓获。根据中国和缅甸政府边境管理合作协定,2004年5月28日,缅甸警方把彭明送交中国,判无期徒刑。








中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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