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Welcome Chen, Dong to join China Democracy Party
Date: 7/18/2012 2:46:34 PM Sender: CDP
Welcome Chen, Dong to join China Democracy Party

On July 14, 2012, chairman of China Democracy Party Wang,Jun received a letter from Chen, Dong (pseudonym), he is hoping to join China Democracy Party. He said, the current Chinese society is in chaos, there is no morality, people’s emotion are very bad, and government officials are very corrupted and incompetent. Chinese Communist Party’s dictatorship makes China not like a country, what a sad thing! I hope all the Chinese people, no matter domestic or overseas, can make effort together to achieve democracy and freedom in China.

Chen, Dong (pseudonym) expressed in the letter: overthrow Chinese Communist government’s dictatorship, give back a real China, achieve democracy, freedom and fairness.

China Democracy Party Organization Department approved Chen, Dong to be a member of China Democracy Party.
Approved date: July 18, 2012.

China Democracy Party Organization Department
July 18, 2012

The letter from Chen, Dong (Pseudonym):

Honorable Chairman Wang, Jun:

Hello, I am willing to join China Democracy Party, hoping to be a member of it. The current Chinese society is in chaos, there is no morality, people’s emotion are very bad, and government officials are very corrupted and incompetent. Chinese Communist Party’s dictatorship makes China not like a country, what a sad thing! I hope all the Chinese people, no matter domestic or overseas, make effort tighter to achieve democracy and freedom in China.


Name: Chen, Dong Age:28 Occupation: Doctor

陈栋(化名)朋友在信中郑重表示:推翻共党专政,还我中华,实现民主 自由 公正。

你好,我想自愿加入中国民主党,希望成为党的一员。当前社会混乱,道德沦陷,民愤四起,政府腐败无能.贪官污吏比比皆是。共党一党独裁,造就了如今的中国不是国,而是国将不国。真是让人痛心疾首。我希望我们全体中国人包括海外的华人华侨一起为实现中国的民主自由而努力。推翻共党专政,还我中华,实现民主 自由 公正。

我的名字叫:陈栋(化名) 28岁 职业:医生

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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