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Welcome Xi,Zhi to join China Democracy Party
Date: 3/30/2011 11:32:02 AM Sender: CDP
Welcome Xi,Zhi to join China Democracy Party

On March 27, 2011, chairman of China Democracy Party Wang,Jun received a letter from Xi,Zhi (pseudonym) in Sichuan province, and hoped to join China Democracy Party. The letter said, now democracy and freedom are lacked in China, and the people are destitute. Unjust, false and wrong cases happen all the time. Rulers abuse power and bully the people. Second generation of officials and the rich rely on parents and have meteoric rise.

Xi,Zhi (pseudonym) solemnly expressed in the letter: the society is very dark and normal people can’t survive. Autocracy is like in old feudal times. My pseudonym is Xi,Zhi, and hope to join China Democracy Party, want to contribute my efforts for democracy and freedom.

China Democratic Party Organization Department agreed to Xi,Zhi (a pseudonym) request, and approved Xi,Zhi (pseudonym) as a member of the China Democracy Party.

Approval Date: Feb 22, 2011

China Democracy Party Organization Department congratulates Xi,Zhi (pseudonym) to become a member of CDP and hope Xi,Zhi (pseudonym) will devote to democracy, freedom, human rights and rule of law in China.

China Democracy Party Organization Department
March 30, 2011

Letter from Xi,Zhi:
Mr. Wang,Jun,
I have been watching CDP for a half year, and feel the continued efforts of CDP for democracy in China, I sensed the serious situation in China.

Modern China lacks democracy and freedom, and the people are destitute. Unjust, false and wrong cases happen all the time. Rulers abuse power and bully the people. Second generation of officials and the rich people rely on their parents to rise.

The society is dark and democracy doesn’t exist in China. Autocracy is like in old feudal times. My pseudonym is Xi,Zhi, and hope to join China Democracy Party, want to contribute my efforts for democracy and freedom.

I pledge:
I voluntarily join the Democracy Party!
I would like to uphold the party line, observe party discipline and keep party secrets;
I would like to fulfill the obligations of the party and stay loyal to the party's cause!
I am willing to fight for democracy and prosperity of my country!
I am willing to fight for freedom and happiness of the people!
I am willing to fight for social equity and justice of society!

I will carry out my swear resolutely!


    2011年3月27日,中国民主党主席王军先生收到中国四川的朋友習之(化名)的来信,来信希望加入中国民主党。習之在信中说:當今中國民主與自由嚴重缺失, 可謂是民不聊生。冤假錯案接二連三地不斷發生。當權者仗勢欺人,官二代。富二代依靠父輩可謂是平步青雲。
    習之(化名)朋友在信中郑重表示:社會之黑暗,民主之不存。民主之獨裁,堪比封建王朝。本人化名:習之,希望加入貴黨貴黨 四川人士 為民主自由之中國盡點綿薄之力。



    當今中國民主與自由嚴重缺失, 可謂是民不聊生。冤假錯案接二連三地不斷發生。當權者仗勢欺人,官二代。富二代依靠父輩可謂是平步青雲。
    社會之黑暗,民主之不存。民主之獨裁,堪比封建王朝。本人化名:習之,希望加入貴黨貴黨 四川人士 為民主自由之中國盡點綿薄之力。   


中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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